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You and Jonah were sat on the couch, he was watching the movie on the tv screen while you were on your phone.

"Hey babe? Could you turn that off?" Jonah asked
"Sure, one second." You smile.

One second turned into a minute and the minute turned into the rest of the movie.

Jonah sat up and sat to face you, you faced him, your phone still in hand.

"Please can you turn it off?"
"I will, i'm just catching up with an old friend"
"Well your dms can go on vacation for now!" Jonah smiles.

You look back down to your phone and was about to type bye to the person you were texting my Jonah put his fingers under your chin and lifted your face so his eyes met yours, with the other hand  Jonah grabbed your phone, put it on silent then placed it on the coffee table beside you.

"Look, I'm right here, right now. I came here to spend time with you and your on your phone."
"I'm sorry Jonah." You sigh. Out the corner of your eye you see your phone light up.
"Heyyy eyes back at me" he reached and turned over your phone so you could no longer see the screen.

You gave him a quick peck on the lips and smiled at him.

"Lets turn off our phones and the first person to turn theirs back on have to pay for our date tomorrow?"
"Pick you up at 9" he winks
"Omg now your just going to quote all your song lyrics?" You smile and roll your eyes.
"Well its relatable to this moment in time"

You watch tv for a little longer, talking about random subjects here and there.
"Hmm" He sleepily groans
"It's late." You say
"Way to state the obvious babe" he yawns
"I'm going to bed, you coming or going back to the why dont we house?" You slwoly stand up while stretching.
"I'll join you, i cant be bothered to drive."

You realised that you have kept your phone off for hours. The boys are probably trying to text Jonah.

"Hey do you want to check your phone? See what the boys are saying? Dont worry I can oay for our date tomorrow" you yawn and start to turn on his phone.

You both walk into your bedroom and climb under the covers. Jonah's phone starts to blow up.

The group chat:
C: Jonah where are you at?
Z: awe is Corbyn lonely because Jonah's with Y/N and not him
C: yes, now shut it!
JA: dude you could always come downstairs, dont forget there are 3 other boys in this house right now.
D: do you think Jonah's getting it? He hasn't replied😂
Z: little ears over here!
JA: more like eyes because your reading this, no ones saying it.
Z: cery clever
D: but seriously Jonah when are you going to be back?
C: I bet he's staying at y/n's for the night

You both just laugh at the conversation they had while his phone was off.

JM: Guys, i'm staying the night at Y/N's and no Daniel we aren't doing that😂 although I wouldn't mind it... anyway night guys
JM: oh my god! I just read what Jonah said😂😂 but Hi guys its y/n lol... night

You both laugh and turn off his phone.
You both lay down and you rest your head on Jonah's chest listening to his steady heartbeat while you both fall asleep.

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