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A/N it's weird doing Corbyn😂 Bc I ship him and Christina so much!❤️ They are amazing!

"Corbynnnnn" you yell while walking to his room that he shared with Jonah and Zach.
"Whattttt" he replied
"Could I do your eyebrows?"
"What? Why?"  He scrunched up his nose.
"Because it'll be funny!" You giggle.

Corbyn then roles his eyes and gives in. You walk over to Corbyn and sit on his bed.
"Can I lay like this?" He says as he rests his head on your lap.
"Sure" you laugh at him pulling faces.

"Uhh so is this going to hurt?" He puts on a stupid voice.
"A little" you smile.

You start doing his eyebrows and he flinches every time he feels the tiniest pain.

"Can we stop now?" He groans "My eyebrows hurt!"
"Sure, I'm done anyway" you laugh

He pulls out his phone and sees what you did.
"Your good... are they on fleek?" He wipes his eyebrows with his two fingers and looks up at you.

"Yes they are" you laugh at his weirdness. You try to get up but only to be pulled back down into a hug.

You lay down with him and you look to the door and you just see Jonah turn the corner.

"Oh god" you hear him mumble and he walks back out the room and you laugh.

"Whats so funny?" Corbyn asks.
"Jonah just walked in, saw us and walked straight back out" you kiss him on the nose. As he laughed.

You end up falling asleep in Corbyn's arms listening to his steady heartbeat.

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