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You were sat in your bedroom, curtains closed headphones plugged in. You have been like that for a week ever since you got out of hospital.

You were in a car accident with your bestfriend and she got the worst out of it compared to you.

You were crying and crying, you couldnt live without that girl/boy.

Her/his death had so much impact on you, you could bearly get any words out without bursting into tears.

The only time you ever talked to someone was online to a guy called Jack who made you smile for at lease a few minutes out of your day.

He was a distraction and it worked. He's listen to you and you'd listen to him. You'd talk everyday from the moment you woke up to the moment you fell asleep.

He was the only reason you still had a tiny bit of hope.

But soon enough you were the one always starting the conversation, you always trying to talk to him so eventually you stopped starting the conversation to see what would happen.

You'd send him snapchat streaks hoping he would say hey like he used to.

He never did.

Its been a week since you talked to him and you werent doing so good. That bit of hope went down the drain.

You opened your eyes to the same darkness you've been sat in for 2 weeks. You saw some fruit on your desk that your mom most likely brought in to you before she left for work.

You roll over and reach for your phone. You turn it on, the light slightly blinding you. You see a Snapchat from Jack.

You smile and quickly open your phone just to see that it was a black screen with a s in the middle.

"Oh" you frown.

You decide to take the risk and text him.

Hey Jack, we havent talked for a while and i'm guessing you dont want to talk anymore . Its fine, dont worry. I was about to tell you a few things personal to me that i've never talked about before but I guess that will never happen and yes i do understand you have a life. But a Hey every so often would have been great but I'm sorry im not interesting enough for you.

You breathe in and press send. You think that your never going to meet him so why worry too much? Maybe your overreacting?

You start to regret sending that but you see your phone light up.

Jack's typing....
From Jack

"Ohhh shit" you sigh and open the message.

Y/n, I am so sorry that I made you feel like that, i've been busy and thought you would have been too because I know how stressful school can be. I havent told you a few things either but I would love to talk to you about them and you can tell me everything on your mind.

You smile at the message but were not to sure to accept his apology too soon because he could leave again.

Jack, I'm not sure... I've felt so alone for ages and you were the one person that gave me hope but then I was the one starting the text messages and I was the one putting in the effort to talk to you and I felt like I was getting annoying and in your way so i stopped.

Look, I never told you because I thought you'd see me differently but I'm in a band called Why Dont We and we are on tour at the moment so I am very busy, I never meant to make you feel like that at all.
You are not alone.

From there on you understood and eventually got to meet him when he came to your city. You started getting outside more and let some light into your room. Your mom was happy about you meeting Jack because he had changed your life.

~ a few months later ~

Jack had just finished tour and flew to see his family and you travelled to his family's house to meet them all.

"Jack" you smile and run into his arms as soon as he opens the front door to the house.
"Y/n! I've missed you so much" he rests his head of your shoulder.
"I've missed you too Jack"

You released the hug and become face to face with his Mom.

"Mom, this is y/n and y/n this is my mom"
"Nice to meet you" you smile and she gives you a hug which takes you by suprise.
"Nice to meet you too y/n, i've heard so much about you! Your just as beautiful as Jack described!" His mom smiles.

"Mommmmm" Jack gets embarrassed.
You just laugh.

It soon was the evening and you all sat down to eat.

"Um before we eat" Jack started and looked at you nervously. "I would like to ask something" he then looked at his mom.

He then walked round the table to you and you gave him a confused look.

Jack then looked around and ran to the kitchen counter and stood on it.
"Umm Jack? What are you doing?" You smile but were still confused.

"Y/n, ever since I met you online I've been so much happier and you've helped me deal with stress as well as all of your problems. You took the time out of your day to talk to me and made sure i was okay. We became bestfriends real quick, we have had our ups and our downs but we got through them together and I trust you so much, maybe more then anyone I know. Therefore my question is... will you Y/n Y/l/n be my girlfriend?" He smiles nervously.

You get up and jump on the counter next to him.


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