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I'm basing this off of what happened to me this week with my crush😂 it was the weirdest thing so why not make it an imagine? Enjoy xx
You were in class doing work and your bestfriend turned around so you boh can do the work together. Since she was opposite to you it was easy to mess with you.

Your bestfriend started to rip up some paper and you looked at her weirdly but shrugged it off and put your head down to work again.

You feel paper fall onto your head and you know it was your bestfriend doing that.

"Ok what are you doing?" You asked keeping your head down so the paper stays on your head
"I'm just bored" she replies.

Your about to brush the paper off your head until you feel someone blow the paper off your head!

You look up at your bestfriend and points behind you and you turn to see your crush Corbyn Besson.

"Ummm hi?" You laugh
"You had a bit of paper on your head" he laughs
"Yea I felt it" you replied and he sat back into his seat.

You then turn back to your bestfriend
"Of course you had to laugh"
"What was I supposed to do my crush just randomly blew paper off my head! What the fuck that never happens to anyone!" You whisper to her and go back to finishing your work.

Five minutes later once again you feel paper fall on your head once again.

"Really y/b/f/n"

You go to push off the paper and as you lift up your head you feel air hit your face.

You open your eyes and see Corbyn stood there again.

"Do you just walk over here to blow paper off my head?" You laugh
"I dont know haha... i'm bored" he shrugs.

Well ok... today was an interesting day
Ok it's weird trying to publish this😂 if your crush has ever done that to you please tell me. I mean I dont have a crush on a weirdo but he's kind of "popular" and really kind. Mainly plays football (or soccer if you want to call it that) so i have no idea what went on in his head😂 does everyone else find this as weird as i did?

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