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You decide to facetime your internet friend for the first time, you were kind of scared about it but then excited.

You type in yhe number he gave you and clicked the facetime button. After a few rings a guy picked up.

"Heyyy Josh" you say
"Ummm I'm not Josh?"

You look at the screen and see a blonde haired boy on your screen.

"Shit sorry! I guess he gave me the wrong number or something." You say. He was cute though.
"What's your name then if it isnt Josh?" You smile.
"Corbyn. You?"
"Y/n, one sec let me snapchat the guy i was supposed to facetime"

He says ok and you click the home button then go into snapchat. You start messaging Josh.

Y: WTF! You gave me a random guys' phone number!
J: i got a number wrong sorry :/
Y: wow! But he is cute I'd tell you that! Im gonna talk to him lol bye Josh :)

You go back to the facetime call.
"Sorry he said he got a number wrong haha." You look down.
"Should I hang up so you can talk to him?" He says
"Nah, this is interesting!" You smile
"What you just start-"
"Dude! Who are you talking to?"
You hear someone shout in the background.

"Umm well this random girl FaceTimed me getting the wrong number!"
"Hey that random girl's name is y/n dude!" You laugh and a boy who looks a but younger than you pops up on the screen.

"Heyyy I'm Zach!" He smiles
"Hi zach" you giggle.
"Do you know who why dont we are?" He asks
"No, i just listen to Shawn Mendes and watch Tyler Oakley if they are a band or youtube group or something like that!" You smile.
"Dude, she's not a fan so she actually FaceTimed you bt mistake haha!" Zach laughs
"A fan? Are you guys the thing you mentioned earlier?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Yea, I'm in a band called Why Dont We." Corbyn went red.
"Awe cute! I'm guessing Zach is your bandmate?"
"Yeah there's 5 of us. Me, Zach, Jack, Jonah and Daniel."
"I'll listen to your music later haha."
"Well I've got to go, just recording some new music, dont tell anyone. But I can talk later?" Corbyn walked around and people waved in the background.

"That's fine, I'm in college so i've got a bit of homework haha." You smile.
"See ya Y/N"
"Bye Corbyn"

You both hang uo and you put down your phone on your bed.
Your roomate walked in.
"How was the call with Josh?" She asked
"Oh i need to explain a lot!" You sat smiling like a goon

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