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As I stood in front of my new locker at my new high school, an unpleasant rush came over me. The anxiety of being the new girl, the foreigner. A high school for talented students, training them to pursue their biggest dreams. I didn't know anyone, I barely spoke much Korean, and I had no idea where to go. The voices in the hallway companied by all the stress made my head pound.

I looked up as the first bell rang. All the students raced through the hallway.

I looked to my right to see a short girl grabbing things from her locker. She wasn't Korean at all.

She had tan skin and super curly hair. I tapped on her shoulder, hoping she spoke english.

She looked at me with question in her eyes.

"Uh, hi?"

"Hey...," I began. "Sorry to bother you, but I have no idea where I am. It's my first day, and my first period is... Kpop Choreography."

"Oh, so your talent is Kpop dancing?" She smiled.

"Yeah!" I agreed, my insecurity suddenly washed away.

"I can help ya, then. I'm about to go there now to get my sketchbook from my boyfriend," She started down the hallway, gesturing for me to follow. "I'm Liz, by the way."

"(Y/N)," I replied.

"What brings you to Seoul?" She asked, standing in front of a staircase.

"Adoption," I sighed.

"Oh, sorry to hear that," She consoled. "I'm sure you'll love it here, though."

I smiled warmly.

"Kpop Choreography class is right up this staircase. I'm afraid that I'll have to leave you alone after that though, I'm probably gonna be late to my Art and Sketch class," She explained. "But the students in the class are very nice! I'm friends with The Boys."

"The boys?" I tilted my head as we walked up the stairs.

"The Bangtan Boys. They're the best choreographers in this school. Everyone's obsessed with them. Mainly the girls," She explained. "I'm actually dating one of them."

I nodded, "Ah."

We reached the top of stairs where I saw a long corridor that echoed with music and pleased voices.

"This door," She pushed open a heavy metal door. I followed behind, kinda nervous.

It was a large dance studio, with big speakers and mirrors that covered the entire wall. A huge group of boys and girls sat in metal chairs, talking amongst each other as they waited for the choreography instructor to show up.

A tall boy stood up and ran over to liz, handing her a blue journal that said, 'SKETCH' across the top.

He hugged her, his arms going around her head. His eyes landed on me.

"This is (Y/N)," Liz introduced, pulling away from the boy's embrace. "(Y/N), this is Kim Taehyung."

He waved to me with a box grin. I chuckled and waved back.

She pointed to six other guys, one by one.

"And thats Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Yoongi, Hobi, And Ju—"

A young boy jumped on Tae's back, looking over his shoulder and waving at me with a bunny smile.

"And that's Jungkook. He's on meth," Liz sighed.

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