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The Following Day

I rushed down the sidewalk, running past pedestrians that crowded the city of Seoul. I pulled out my phone, shooting a quick text as I continued to walk.

Min Suga<3

MeI'm five minutes away~

Yoongiokay ~ :)

I smiled, looking up from my phone. And right into a broad shoulder. I stumbled back, dropping my phone flat on the screen. I sighed, picking up my cracked phone from the sidewalk.

"I-I'm sorry, that was my fau–"

Dumbfounded, Jeon Jungkook stood before me. My voice disappeared as I took steps back, ready to turn and run away. Just as he parted his lips to speak, I race walked past him.

I nearly stumbled forward as a strong hand gripped my wrist. I roughly pulled out of his grip, turning to glare at him.

"But you never wanna see me again," I remarked harshly, walking backwards slowly.

His eyes turned sad. I turned around and began to run. Not even looking back to see if he just stood there or took off in the other direction. I didn't care, I didn't wanna be in his presence. It hurt too much. Every time I thought of him, I also thought of his hand tangled with Jane's. The hand that used to be glued to mine.

Jungkook's POV

I stood there, feeling weakness in my heart as she ran away from me. Even though she was the one that messed up, the one that cheated on me, the one that started all of this...

I still couldn't help but think of her each and every day and night. Her beautiful smile, her adorable voice, her blinding eyes, her breathtaking personality. I loved everything about her, and I still do.

Jane and I? It's unspoken, but we both just use each other to feel less depressed. Let's be real, Jane is very messed up about Yoongi. She still cries about it. But it's nice to have someone to talk to. Someone to hold when I feel alone or sad. Someone to smile for me when I cry. And someone for me to do that in return. We weren't dating! Just... place holders.

But she wasn't (Y/N). She will never be (Y/N). And I will never be Yoongi. And nothing will ever be the same.

One problem: Remember how (Y/N) accidentally spilled that Jane's love for me still lingered? I really should've thought about that before I got back with her... Because I don't plan to stay with her. But I didn't want to hurt her.

I sighed deeply, turning around to walk away. Little did (Y/N) know, I was on my way to her apartment to try and talk to her. I know she was drunk, and I know how Hyung is when pretty girls are drunk. But I guess she won't be home... Might as well go see Jane until she gets back.

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