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Later that night
Two days before Christmas Eve
Driving to Jimin's Party

Word Count: 1057

I turned into Jimin's dark neighborhood. I turned on my high beams and sped down the road. I had so many memories in this neighborhood, with my friends. All the parties, the time Tae and Kook ran down the street, half naked and hand in hand, the day Jimin sat on the hood of my car while I zoomed over a speed bump. The night that Jungkook jumped off the roof of Jimin's house and into the swimming pool. The day that Yoongi threw up blood.

We were idiots. But we were like a family. And I miss that. Ever since I was put up for adoption, four years ago, traveling from foster home to foster home, I forgot what it was like to have a family. I found that in all my friends. And Jungkook...

I felt nervous tension tickle heart as I began to see the long line of parked cars down the curb of the neighborhood. I looked up to see Jimin's house, already beginning to hear the loud music that vibrated the walls.

I parked in the front yard besides Jane's car. I was especially nervous to see her...

With great remorse, I got out of the car and approached the house. I opened the front door to reveal and hundreds of familiar faces flooding the house.

"It's (Y/N)-Ah!!" I heard a voice shout.

I looked over to see Jimin and Jin rushing towards me. I smiled and stepped towards them. Jimin wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I laughed at his gesture and hugged him back.

Looking over his shoulder, I got a perfect view of his living room couch. I spotted Jungkook and Jane sitting shoulder to shoulder, fingers interlocked. I already wanted to walk out of the front door and go home, crying to Jihoon.

Who was now gone. Forever.

Jimin pulled away from the embrace, studying my eyes. "What's wrong?"

I looked over at Jungkook to see him staring at me. We both instantly looked away. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I looked back at Jimin.

"I'm kinda uncomfortable," I muttered. "Can I go upstairs?"

"Go ahead," He patted my shoulder.

Not daring to make anymore eye contact with Kook, I pushed through the crowded room until I reached the staircase. As I skipped up each step, Hobi saw me from the top of
the staircase and gasped.

I smiled and went in for a hug. He hugged me tightly, squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"H-Hobi, I-I'm dying," I whimpered.

He laughed aloud and let go of his embrace. I wheezed, catching my breath.

"I missed you so much," He smiled.

"I missed you too," I smiled back. "But I'll catch up with you later, I have a thing to do."

"No problem," He smiled.

At that instant, I ran away from Hobi and down the empty corridor. I came across the door. The door that led to the room which I'd lost in my virginity in. I sighed, opening the door and stepping inside.

Jungkook's POV

I rushed up the stairs, nearly running into Hoseok Hyung. I turned to him desperately. "Where did (Y/N) go?"

"Private room," He replied, pointing down the hallway.

I nodded and took off down the corridor.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on the couch, my face resting in my palms. I sighed deeply, feeling no relief as the air exited my lungs.

Just then, I heard the door open. I looked up instantly, meeting eyes with... Him.

I stood up, looking at him in shock.

"What's going on?" I asked softly.

"(Y/N)–Ah," He stepped closer to me, taking my hands in his.

I blushed, meeting his eyes.

"I'm sorry for not letting you explain. I'm sorry for punching Hyung, I'm sorry for being so rude to y–"

"Jeonguk-ah...," I said softly.

He silenced, his steady eyes meeting mine. I licked my lips before speaking.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing a million times," I stated simply. "I cheated on you with one of your bestfriends."

"But I know you wouldn't do that at will," He cupped my cheek, gazing into my eyes.

"N-No," My eyes filled with tears as the corners of my lips curled into a smile. "I wouldn't."

"(Y/N)...," He cupped my face in both hands, pulling me closer.

"Jeonguk?" I whispered.

"I love you, Jagiya."

A comfortable silence settled between us. He leaned in, bringing my face closer to his. I closed my eyes as he closed his.

"I love you too, Jeonguk," I replied softly before his soft lips pressed against mine.

This was what I missed: the way he kissed me, the way he touched me, the way he spoke to me. The L word was new, though. But at this moment, we both knew it was spoken out of love, and not lust.

His lips moved firmly against mine, I could feel his smile against my lips. We had to pull away, due to our hard smiles.

"You shouldn't take me back," I mumbled. "I betrayed you."

"I'm not very smart," He shrugged. "But something in my gut tells me I won't regret this."

I flinched as the door opened. Looking past Jungkook, I saw three people enter.

Taehyung, Eliza, and Janey.

Tae bit his lip, staring at us in question.

"I knew they'd get back together," He chortled.

"TAE! THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING!" Liz shouted.

"Why not?" Jungkook turned around and faced her. "I'm happy, and so is she. I forgave her and I know she means it when she says she loves me."

Jane scoffed, walking out of the room. Liz sigh deeply, rolling her eyes.

"(Y/N), you're a fucking bitch," She blurted. "but if Jeoncock loves you even after that slip up, then I guess you're okay."

"I missed her so much!" Tae jumped up and down.

"Shut up," Liz spat.

Then, Yoongi walked in. Jungkook and I, hand in hand is what he first spotted.

"I see," He said before leaving the room with a sigh of annoyance.


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~Sea —Bangtan Soyeondan
~DNA —Bangtan Soyeondan
~But It's Better If You Do —Panic! At The Disco
~Begin —BTS Jungkook

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