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"Welcome to your first day," The manager of Coffee Libre greeted.

I gave a sweet smile, nodding my head.

"Glad to be here."

Yes, the same Coffee Libre that Hajin works at... But I need the money and the biggest café in Seoul seemed like the place for that. I explained my beef with Hajin and got my schedule placed on days that she was off. I worked Tuesday, Thursday and sunday from 6am to 12pm.

Although today, my manager asked me to come in at 8. I didn't argue, I kinda needed the extra sleep.

Oh yeah, I still haven't told him.

"Please wear this," She smiled.

Folded neatly, she handed me a black skirt, a pair of white knee high socks with two stripes at the top, and a white collared shirt that said "Coffee Libre" in Korean characters on the front and english letters on the back.

I examined the clothing, a small smile formed on my face.

"Okay. Where can I change?"

"I wouldn't want you changing in the bathroom, my office is back here," She turned in her heals, gesturing for me to follow.

I followed her through the café until we reached the Staff Lounge. We stepped inside and kept walking until we reached a door that said "Manager Office". She opened the door for me, closing it behind me as I stepped inside.

I stepped outside the office, seeing the manager sitting in a comfy chair with steaming coffee in hand. She looked up at me, looking me up and down with a smile.

"You look great!" She smiled. "You're the only waitress here today, but we're not so busy on Thursdays. So you should be fine."

I smiled, "Thanks."

I exited the lobby, clicking my pen as I held my small notepad against my chest. I adjusted my socks, letting out a sigh as I scanned the café.

All empty chairs except for one. A male sat on the far end of the building at a table for two. I walked towards him as he wrote in his notebook with his hood over his head. I opened my notepad as I approached him, flipping to the first clean page.

"Sorry to keep you w–"

He looked up with puckered lips, smiling as he noticed who I was. I felt my heart thump out of my chest as I met eyes with Min Yoongi.

"Hey kitten," He smiled. "You work with Hajin?"

"K-Kitten...," I repeated in a whispered. "Uhh, no. W–We're on completely different schedules."

He nodded, closing his notebook.

"Why are you so jittery around me?" He asked, tilting his head.

I sighed deeply, "What do you want?"

He smiled innocently. "One more night with you."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes in disgust. No amount of pussy can quench his thirst.

"That was a one night stand. It's only for ONE NIGHT!" I bellowed. "Now seriously, what the hell do you want?"

He chortled, licking his lips.

"Expresso, please."

As I was writing it down, both of your phones went off. I reached into my shirt pocket and checked the notification.

Stuff & Things

Jiminie: Halloween party tonight. :)

I looked up from my phone to see Yoongi's gaze.

"Will you be there?" He asked, placing his phone down beside his blue notebook.

"I'll be there," I replied.

My phone dinged again.

Stuff & Things

Jungkook: I'll be there! =)

Jungkook: I'll be there! =)

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