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Just when you least expect them, they show up bright and early in the morning. I groaned, rolling over to get the sun out of my eyes. Only to trigger the insane nausea in the pit of my stomach by moving.

I whined, holding my stomach. I sat up slowly, looking around the room. I was in my apartment, yet I don't remember leaving the party last night. What the hell happened? Trying to remember everything made my migraine even worse.

I scratch my head, trying to hard to focus on memory rather than pain.

I remember getting to the party before I got wasted obviously, I remember Jimin getting wasted, I remember Jane leaving, then everything else was blurry.

I sighed, stepping up from my bed. I winced, feeling a sharp pain in my stomach as I tried to walk. I held my lower stomach, nearly on the verge of tears.

What the fuck happened?!

I groaned hopelessly, falling back onto the bed. Moving around so much only made my nausea one hundred times worse, I sprinted up from my bed, ignoring the pain in my stomach. I stumbled into the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet as I let out a hurl of alcohol.

The regurgitated alcohol left a horrible taste in my mouth. Flushing the toilet with trembling fingers, I stood up and reached for the mouth wash. I looked into the mirror and scoffed. My makeup was smeared and my hair was in knots. I rolled my eyes, pouring the mouthwash into my mouth. I swished it around before spitting it out into the sink.

I held my stomach, stepping away from the sink. The feeling kept getting worse; At this point I was on the verge of tears. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I didn't remember what happened last night.

I pulled out of my phone, dialing Jimin's number.

He answered, groaning softly.

"Ai... Hello?" He greeted in a raspy voice.

"Jiminie, I don't remember anything. Do you?" I asked.

"Not really, it's super blurry. I remember you being drunk with me though, and then you disappeared for 2 hours. I found you asleep in the private room with Hyung's jacket on you," He explained, clearing his throat. "I woke you up and we drank more when Jane got back with Lisa. I don't remember much after that."

"Th-Thanks. It's just that my stomach hurts so fucking bad and I was just trying to remember if I ate something or drank too much," I sighed deeply.

"(Y/N)–Ah... Did you have sex with anyone last night? Do you remember?" He asked slowly.

My chest tightened. I seriously did not remember anything. I highly doubt I would be messed up enough to cheat on my boyfriend.

"No! Jungkook wasn't there and plus, I'm a virgin," I rambled.

"So? You might not be anymore. I hear that girls have pain after loosing their virginities, but hey, I shouldn't talk about that gross shit," He chuckled.

I couldn't help but feel tears sting my eyes. I sobbed, biting my lip so Jimin wouldn't hear.

"Are you crying?" He asked.

I sighed aggressively, "Jiminie, I seriously don't remember anything and you're making me nervous! Who was I with for two hours?"

"I don't know...," His voice trailed off.

I looked down at my feet, feeling guilty for dumping all of my problems on him. I shook my head, looking into the mirror as I spoke.

"I'm sorry. Go back to sleep, I love you."

"Love you too. I hope everything's okay!" I heard him smile as he hung up.

I sighed lightly, attempting to exit the bathroom. I winced loudly, holding the door frame as I felt my stomach being stabbed from the inside.

I fell onto my hands and knees, looking down at the ground. I felt a panic attack coming, I whined, sitting against the wall with my hands cupped in my face.

What the hell did I do last night?!

I thought very hard and deeply for a long time, trying to recap last night in my brain.

I remember sitting next to Jimin and Yoongi when I was drunk. I remember cussing out Haji–


I remember being led up the crowded stairs by Yoongi, I remember being alone with him.

I thought harder.

Oh my god.

We were alone for two hours. Then I was found asleep in his jacket. Read between the lines; we fucked. Or something.

I screamed, clasping my hands over my lips immediately.

I cheated on Jungkook. With his hyung.

I felt tears threatening my eyes as I stumbled into my room, crawling onto the messy bed. I looked on the floor beside the bed, and there it was.

Yoongi's black and white jacket.

I sobbed, cupping my face in my hands.

I lost my virginity to Min Yoongi. And I don't even remember.

Don't forget to vote, my frien.

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