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The next morning, we all helped Jimin get his house back to the way it was supposed to be.

"Tae! Jungkook!" Jimin called out, exiting through the patio door. "Come help me bring my bed upstairs."

"Why me?" Tae pouted.

"Because you and your girlfriend pushed it in the pool!" He babbled.

Tae and Liz then giggled mischievously. Taehyung and Jungkook followed Jimin outside, lifting the bed out of the grass and carrying it inside.

"Hey (Y/N)," Liz tapped my shoulder.

I turned to face her.

"Your car is still at my house, so when we get there do you wanna stay for a bit with Jane and I?" She asked.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"Kay, cool," She picked up her travel bag.

"This place is as clean as it's gonna get," Namjoon announced, entering the living room. "So I gotta get goin'."

"Bye, Joon!" Liz waved to him.

"Byeee~" Jane waved her fingers.

"Later," He waved, leaving through the front door.

Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin jumped down the stairs. Jimin gripped Tae's collar and death glared into his eyes.

"If you ever try to fuck on water in my bed again, I will cut your d–"

"Don't abuse ma boy!" Liz chuckled. "We've gotta get going soon."

"Nooooo~" Tae hugged Liz tightly. "You just got here~"

"Taehyung, I've been here since Friday night," She laughed, hugging him back.

"Oh yeah," He muttered.

"Bye guys!" Liz pulled away from the hug.

"No kiss me," Tae complained.

"Oh my shit," Liz pecked him on the lips and walked away.

Tae put on a giddy smile, "I love youuu~"

"Same," Liz nodded, grabbing her keys.

Jungkook approached me while I watched this cheesy scene. He sat beside me, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"Umm," He began, looking my face up and down. "Would you wanna do something this Friday? I'd really like to see you again."

"Oh– Uh, yeah, definitely!" I smiled slightly.

"Cool," He kissed two of his fingers and pressed them against my forehead before rising from the couch.

I giggled, shaking my head to hide the soft blush.

"(Y/N)! Let's go!" Jane called out waiting at the doorway.

"Oh!" I got up quickly, grabbing my travel bag and heading towards the front door.

Yoongi bumped past me, towards Jane. I watched as he approached her. He lifted her chin slightly and pressed a firm kiss against her lips. I looked away right as they made contact.

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