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Jungkook's POV

I laid my back against the backboard of (Y/N)'s bed, playing a video game like I have been for the past hour. (Y/N) laid her head on my lap, watching me play.

"Jagiya, can you hand me my banana milk?" I asked, not looking away from the game.

No answer.

"Jagiya," I repeated, still focusing my gaze on the TV screen.

Still no answer.

Pausing the video game, I set my controller down and looked down at (Y/N). Sound asleep, she was. I smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek softly.

I sighed, looking over at the night stand that I couldn't reach. My untouched Banana Milk sat there, calling to me. I poked my lip out, resuming the video game.

I couldn't help but worry about (Y/N). Is she still upset about the phone call? Or is it just me in general? Does she not like me anymore? Am I annoying? Is someone bothering her?

Is there someone else?...

I couldn't focus on the video game. I paused it, looking down at her peaceful face. Her eyes were still slightly puffy; she basically cried herself to sleep. I tucked some hair behind her ear, gazing at her beauty.

It may be "Personal Girl Stuff" like she said, but what if it's not? What if it's me? Or what if she's going through something that she's not telling me about?

Overthinking got the best of my emotions. I was starting to feel scared and sad. Scared that she would leave, and sad because I missed her already.

Again, I miss her. And she's right before my eyes. But I don't want a sad (Y/N). I want the happy (Y/N) that I knew before we starting dating. When we just saw each other often and went on dates, and talked on the phone all night.

Now, she's changed over night. Always stressed or sad, if not both.

But I've already decided to bare with her. Hopefully this is just a phase. Hopefully.

I didn't even realize how emotional I was until I noticed two wet droplets on (Y/N)'s cheek. Her eyes twitched as one more water droplet landed on her skin. I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve, sniffling away the tears.

"Baby," Her soft voice made me flinch. "Are you crying?"

"N-No," My voice cracked.

She wiped away the tears on her cheek, looking at the dampness on her finger tips.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Tears...," I answered reluctantly.

"Why?" She sat up, sitting on her knees as she looked into my eyes.

The TV gave off a soft light, just enough to see the glint of her eye. I shook my head, rubbing my eyes with the side of my hand.

Her soft hands cupped my cheeks, pulling me closer. She pecked my cheek softly. I blushed, pulling away to hide my flustered cheeks. I instantly hated the TV for shining light on my face.

"You're sad," She stated. "If you were happy, you'd be mad at me for not kissing you on the lips."

"Kiss my lips, please," I said.

She blushed, leaning in to kiss my lips. I kiss her back, feeling delighted. Just as she was about to pull away, I caught her forearm, pulling her back in. I tilted my head to dominate the kiss more.

I pulled away after a second, smiling warmly at her.

"See? Not sad," I shook my head with a grin.

"Not anymore," She giggled. "Why did you pull me back in just to kiss me for another second?"

"Because I always pull away first."


"Because I get to see your face right after," I giggled.

She scoffed rolling her eyes.

"I can kiss you longer if you like," I pouted with a smirk.

She blushed, breaking out with a giggle. Covering her face with one hand, she shook her head.

"No, because you said it out loud and now I feel funny," She giggled nervously.

I pouted like a sad puppy.

"I'll just go back to being sad again, then," I mumbled.

She smashed her lips onto mine, kissing me passionately. I tensed up for half of a second before dominating the kiss, cupping one of her cheeks.

After a second, I pulled away. I glanced at her red face, smiling bright.

"Why were you sad? You have to tell me, Jungkookie."

I cupped her cheek, looking into her eyes.

"You've also been sad recently. Is it because of me?" I asked softly.

"No! Jungkook–ah," She instantly became upset again. "I-I cry because I really like you and I don't wanna lose you..."

I smiled, "You won't, I promise. Stop being sad, Jagiya. It's not like you've ruined us or something, what's wrong?"

She got super quiet. Something I said made her tense up. I felt a tightness in my chest.

Did she do something?

Probably not but...

I don't care.

I love her.

I think.

Don't forget to vote, my frien.

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