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I ran as fast as I could, pushing through the crowd as my eyes ached to see the exit. I couldn't hold back the tears that were pouring down my face as I abruptly left the ceremony.

I finally reached the auditorium door, it was more beautiful to me than ever in this moment. Pulling it open and running through the hallway of the school, I let it rain.

"Y/N!" Jungkook shouted down the hallway.

I froze as my name echoed, that's so fucking embarrassing. I turned back to look at him with puffy eyes, and a frown. I spotted him in his yellow uniform at the end of the hallway.

"Y/N, please don't let those girls make you feel bad about yourself," He said softly, walking over to me almost cautiously as if I was about to explode.

I shook my head, pushing my way out of the back entrance of the school. And of course Jungkook continued to follow me, I knew he would.

"Please talk to me," He whispered hopelessly.

I shook my head and looked away from him. I couldn't believe this was getting to me so much.

"Isn't that the Bangtan Slut?" A voice was heard behind me.

I whipped around to see who they were talking about. My entire mood dropped when I saw the same three girls from history class.

"Me?!" I exclaimed, stepping up to the girls.

The three girls stepped back, shooting me with a disgusted glare.

"Don't come near me, you reek of dick," One of the girls declared, holding her hand up.

What the fuck?

"What's going on?" Jane asked, leaning against my shoulder.

"Get your whore friend away from us," The girl chuckled.

Jane looked around, avoiding looking in my direction.

"Who? I don't see any whore friends," She remarked.

"Probably the one that always has your boyfriend's dick in her mouth," The girl giggled annoyingly.

The students around us began to notice the situation. I felt endless eyes on me.

"Who?!" Jane asked loudly, looking the girl up and down.

"If you're referring to (Y/N) here, I know for a fact that she doesn't have any dick in her mouth!" Jane exclaimed, grabbing the attention of more students. "Especially my boyfriend's."

"What's up?" Jungkook asked, approaching us.

"Kookie-ah, why do you pick such slutty girls? First Jane and now (Y/N)?" The brat asked Jungkook. "You could literally have any girl you wanted."

Jane pushed the girl in the chest, causing her to suddenly tumble backward.

Namjoon effortlessly dragged the short Jane back by her elbow.

"Don't start a fight on Graduation Day, Shorty," He shook his head.

I couldn't help but begin to cry. These girls wanted to ruin everything good for me. I pushed past the girls, running out of the auditorium.

"Where's she going?" Jimin pointed to me.

"(Y/N)!" Jungkook ran after me.

End of Flashback

"Please talk to me," He whispered hopelessly.

Standing outside in the breezy night, I turned around to face him. I parted my lips to talk but just continued to cry. I covered my face and turned around, leaning against the brick wall of the school.

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