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Today marked one month of Jane and Yoongi's relationship. While Jane was known for being able to keep a healthy relationship, Yoongi really wasn't.

Yoongi hadn't been flirting with me like he used to which I was happy about. And Jungkook and I have been going on a dates almost every weekend.

Things were just going my way now, one more week and then I graduate. I'd be happily leaving high school without any drama.

"(L/N)! Are you listening?" The history teacher snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

"Y-Yes, Nim," I fibbed.

He frowned before turning back to the projector. I pulled my phone out and held it between my legs, I carefully looked down to see Stuff & Things blowing up.

Stuff & Things.

Namjoon- so surprised that Min Yoongi is actually keeping a relationship. 

Jin- don't you think that dating someone in our group might damage the friendship?

Jane- We promised that if we ever broke up, we aren't gonna hold a grudge on each other fyi.

Yoongi- ^

JiminNow lets just hope that Jane's petty ass keeps her side of the promise.

Jane- hey stfu, at least I don't have dick sucking lips.

Yoongi- o.o i object-


Yoongi- ;)

Jimin- rude, at least I have lips.

Yoongi- :(

Jungkook- wow thanks.

Jane- -_-

Liz- stfu jimin.

Tae- hehehehe

Jimin- but seriously, we need plans after graduation! i need everyone hereeeeee. =D

Jin- am here.

yoongi- ^

Jane- hi

Tae- wot


Namjoon- ok.

Hoseok- Heyyy.

Jungkook- go on?

Jimin- okokok, my mom's friend had her baby so their going out of town the weekend that follows graduation.

Jane- bEt

Liz- ^^

Namjoon- yes. o:

Yoongi- i'm down. c;

Hoseok- I be there.

(Y/N)- I'll be there too.

Jungkook- I won't. ;-;

Jimin- wtf why?

Jungkook- Am going with my brother to a concert. sowwy.

(Y/N)- awe. :(

Liz- dAmnIt kOok.

Tae- ^

Yoongi- one less annoying person

Jungkook- wow. rip.

Just then, the bell dismissing History rang. I shoved my phone in my pocket and quickly began packing my bag.

"Aren't you the girl talking to Jungkookie?" A girl standing next to two other girls asked me with a mild pointing gesture.

I stood up, throwing my bag over my shoulder, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

The girl looked me up and down whilst her other two friends exchanged a look and erupted into laughter. I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Excuse me?" I tilted my head.

"Surprised he hasn't heard the rumors," The girl looked back at her friends, gesturing for them to walk away with her.

The three Korean girls walked away, laughing. I tilted my head, extremely confused.

Someone's been starting rumors? I wondered.

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