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Later that day
Christmas Eve
(Y/N)'s apartment

Word Count:515

I was snuggled up on my couch with a warm mug of banana milk, watching Christmas-themed Kdrama. Thanks to Jungkook, I had grown a liking for banana milk.

Knock, knock, knock.

I paused the Drama, setting the mug down on the coffee table. I rose from th warm couch and stepped over to the front door. Expecting Jungkook, I opened the door to reveal Min Yoongi.

He smiled softly, handing me a square shaped box. When I took it from him, it was heavy.

"What the hell is this?" I stammered.

"You'll find out tomorrow morning," He chuckled. "Let's go put it under the tree, love."

I walked over to the tree, hearing him close the front door. I kneel down to place the gift next to Jane's. As I rose back up to my feet, Yoongi cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

I blushed intensely, "Yoongi–Ah, n-no."

"I need you to understand something," He looked into my eyes.


"That kinda hurt when I saw you with Jungkook. But I know you love him, he makes you happy, yeah?" He tilted this head. "I will never think of you as 'just a friend', but for your happiness, I can pretend."

I smiled, "Thank you, Yoongi–Ah."

Five Hours Later

"(Y/N)–Ahhh!" A special voice spoke. "Wake up, I'm here!"

I groaned, opening my eyes to come eye to eye with Jungkook, hovering over me. I yawned, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"What time is it?" I kissed his cheek.

He frowned, "Lips."

I kissed his lips softly.

"It's eight o'clock, Jagi."

"Ughhhh. I won't be able to sleep tonight," I muttered, stretching my arms.

His warm chuckle flowed through my ears like warm banana milk flows down my throat.

"Get up. I brought you food," He smiled.

"Oh really?" I muttered, smiling dearly.

"Yes," He kissed my forehead. "So get up."

Climbing off of me, he stood up and picked me up bridal style. I snuggled against his warm chest as he carried me into the living room. Settling me down on the couch, and seating himself next to me, he grabbed a brown paper bag.

I leaned against his shoulder, waiting to be fed. It took out a ramen cup with lid on top. He handed it to me along with two chip sticks.

"My mom made this weird noodle soup stuff. I thought you'd like it," He explained.

I opened the cup, sniffling the warm broth.

"Wow," I chuckled. "husband material."

"Am I? Anae?" He giggled.

I choked on my noodles. Marriage jokes made me flustered. I wanted him in my future, and joking about it gave me the idea that he thought about it as well.

He laughed as I choked, patting my head. "Just kidding. But hopefully one day, I won't be."


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~DNA —Bangtan Soyeondan
~Lie —BTS Jimin
~Outro : 'Her' —Bangtan Soyeondan
~I like It —Bangtan Soyeondan
~GIRLS/GIRLS/BOYS —Panic! At The Disco
~Blood, Sweat & Tears —Bangtan Soyeondan

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