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Tonight was the big party. The party had most likely already started; the sun was going down and everyone was posting about it on snapchat and twitter. Fully dressed, and an hour late, I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door.

I shuffled through my keys, searching for the car key as I stepped down the staircase of the complex.

"Where are you going looking all beautiful?!" A voice alarmed me.

I flinched, looked over the railing of the stairs. I smiled at Jihoon, tucking hair behind my ear.

"I'm going to a party to celebrate my graduation. Do I really look okay?" I asked, flattered.

"You look great. Have fun!" He waved at me with a wide grin.

I giggled, waving my fingers as I strolled over to my car. I pressed down on the remote button to unlock the doors before getting inside and starting the engine.

At the party.

Cars were parked all the way down the curb of the neighborhood. I shrugged, parking in Jimin's front yard next to Jane's car. I turned off the vehicle just as I received a text.

Jungkookie: Have fun, the concert is starting. I really miss you. <3

Me: Have fun. I miss you even more. <3

I gasped as the door to my car swung open. The sound of laughter drowned out the sound of the music coming from inside of the house. I looked up to see Jin, Jimin, Jane, and Liz.

"You finally got here!" Liz rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Yeah sorry, I was– AH!"

Jimin grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the car, causing me to fall on my knees. I winced, looking up at the intoxicated male.

"Jiminie, that hurt," I complained, standing up.

"He's a little... fucked up," Jane chuckled.

"Jane, stop cursing. You're too pretty," Jin sighed.

Jimin giggled, wrapping his arms around Jane's shoulders.

"You're so shooort," He chortled.

"Haha, okay," Jane said in irritation, pulling away from Jimin's grasp.

Liz grabbed my wrist, beginning to lead me inside.

"You gotta get in here, bitch!" Liz hyped.

I could feel the vibration of bass in the floor as we stepped inside. I looked around in amazement; there were hundreds of people flooding the house and back yard. It was ten times bigger than the last party we had.

Jimin was known at our school for throwing the best parties. Because he was rich, oftentimes alone, and someone that everyone wanted to be friends with.

"Holy fuck. I think I'll get lost," I chuckled.

"Nah, we got a room upstairs that only we can go in. Come on," Liz pushed through the crowd of people and made it towards the stairs.

I skipped up the stairs, the music becoming muffled as we walked down a huge corridor. Liz opened a wooden door, revealing a room full of people.

Jane, Yoongi, Tae, Namjoon, and Hobi.

"Where the hell is Jiminie? He's too drunk, someone bring him upstairs," Namjoon directed.

"I'll go get 'em," Liz volunteered before walking out of the door.

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