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After school, I went right over to Liz's house to get ready for Jimin's party. Hoping I had the right address, I knocked on the front door lightly.

Jane answered, with long straightened hair instead of coiled curls. she looked me up and down and walked away from the door, leaving it open.

"Liz is back here," Jane called out in a strong voice, then gestured for me to follow.

"Alright," I stepped inside of the house, closing the door behind me. I walked up some stairs behind Jane and entered a small bedroom.

Jane sat on the floor in front of a mirror, spraying her straightened hair with a bit of hair spray.

I noticed Liz sitting next to her in front of the mirror, putting on clear mascara.

She turned around and smiled.

"Hey, you look hot!" She grinned, admiring my outfit.

I smiled, sitting on the edge of her bed awkwardly. "Thanks. You do too."

"Nah, I look like shit, honestly." She countered.

"Shut the hell up, you always say that," Jane rolled her eyes, layering her eyelashes with black mascara.

"Because it's true!" Liz laughed.

Itty Bitty Time Skippy

We arrived at the party in Jane's car with absolutely no where to park. The driveway was filled with cars, with a long line of cars parked down the street of the neighborhood.

"Holy fucking shit," Jane mumbled, looking around as she cruised for a parking spot.

"Are we late?" Liz asked from the passenger seat, opening her phone.

"Fuck it," Jane suddenly sped up and drove over the sidewalk and parked in the middle of Jimin's front yard.

"He's gonna kick your ass," Liz laughed, getting out of the car.

Jane shrugged. "Oh well," She remarked, getting out of the car as well.

We already heard loud music as we approached the front door. We knocked and knocked and even tried to open it but no one would answer.

"Let's just go around back," Jane said, running to the backyard and hopping the fence effortlessly.

"Must be nice being that lightweight," Liz half chuckled.

We followed behind her and opening the gate to see tons of people gathered around a pool glowing pool, and a gazebo full of twinkling lights. Taehyung and Jimin saw us as we approached, they ran over to us holding pretty drinks in their hands.

Tae ran up to Liz, whispering something in her ear. Liz nodded and the couple ran off.

Jimin looked back. "What the hell?"

He shrugged turning his attention back to Jane and I.

"I parked in your yard. Sorry not sorry," Jane giggled, taking his drink and consuming a big gulp.

"That's beer," Jimin laughed. "With strawberry."

Jane spit it back into the cup and gave it back. "Fucking ew."

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