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The next morning, I woke up before Jungkook so I decided to take a shower. I sighed as the warm water beaded down my skin.

I kept thinking about what Jihoon said. Ya know, about telling Jungkook before he finds out? I decided it was for the the best. If he leaves me and never talks to me again, whatever.

It's what I deserve.

I don't deserve Jeon Jungkook at all.

Turning off the water, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. I wiped away the fog on the mirror, looking at myself. I sighed deeply.

This girl was no longer pure.

I shook my head and began to dress myself comfortably. I slipped on a pair of joggers and a T shirt. I rolled on my fuzzy socks and opened the bathroom door, the hallway filled with steam from my shower.

As the steam cleared, I got a clear glimpse of Jungkook laying on my bed, checking his phone. He looked through the doorway and smiled, jumping up from the bed.

I giggled as he scurried towards me with excitement written all over his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, showering my cheek with kisses.

"I thought you left me," He muttered jokingly.

"In my own apartment? Yeah right," I chuckled.


Jungkook and I snuggled up on the couch with warm coffee, watching TV. As I was sipping my coffee, Jungkook said something that made me burn my tongue.

"I gotta head out in twenty minutes."

"Whyyyy?~" I whined.

"I kinda got a job. My parents want me to work until we start college next year," He explained, licking his lips. "You're going to KU, right? Konkuk University, I mean."

My eyes widened slightly, "I haven't applied. I want to though, I just haven't had the time. And I'm nervous."

"Haven't had the time? You don't have a job," He chuckled.

"Shut up!" I punched his arm playfully. "I'm still working on that, too!"

"Also, you shouldn't be nervous about applying. KU highly values students that attended SPA High school," He explained in a steady voice. "Your grades were better than mine, and so was your behavior. They'll accept you if they accepted me."

"But I only attended half the year," I bit my lip.

"So?" He sipped his coffee. "The school you attended before was an Arts school as well, right?"

I nodded.

"Then you're alllllll set!" He grinned.

I smiled. Then that smile quickly turned into a somber gaze.

"Jungkook, I wanna talk about something..."

"(Y/N)–ahh, don't say it like that, it makes me feel scared."

I stayed silent.

He didn't think I was gonna break up with him, right? If anything, he was probably gonna be the one to leave me...

"Nevermind," I mumbled.

"Please tell me," He leaned his forehead against my cheek.

I felt my eyes sting.

"You'll hate me."

"I could never," He sat up quickly.

"Jungkook... what's the dumbest thing you've done when you were drunk?" I asked.

"What? Why?" He tilted his head. An amused smiled spread across his cheeks. "Awe, did you embarrass yourself at Jiminie's party?"

"Answer my question, Dipshit..."

His eyes became sad, "I don't think I want to now."

"Waaaaah!~ I'm sorry! I've just got something in my mind that's killing me," I sighed, kissing his cheek.

"Lips~" He smiled slightly.

I rolled my eyes before closing them and leaned in. I pressed my lips softly against his. He pulled away and smiled at me.

I want to lick his smile. That sounds disgusting.

"Well, when Janey and I were dating..."


"We were at a party that Yoongi Hyung through," He continued.

My chest tightened at the sound of his name; a tinge of guilt settled in my heart.

"Liz had her hair straightened, so she looked allot like Jane. So I starting talking dirty to her and she punched me. I didn't even remember the next day when I woke up with a black eye," He chuckled in embarrassment. "Someone recorded it, though. Jane and Liz laughed at me for weeks. Tae Tae wouldn't talk to me for while."

I chuckled, "I could imagine that."

"Why did you ask?" He asked, tilting his head.

I licked my lips, looking away as I stayed silent. I couldn't bring myself to say the words, to break his heart. I sighed, meeting his eyes with a realistic look of security.

"Just wondering," I smiled.

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