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Three Work Days Later
Two Days Before Christmas Eve
At work

Word count: 558

So after my work suspension that I honestly enjoyed... kinda, I showed up to work again and apologized sincerely to my boss. She forgave me and let me get right back to work!

The café was kinda empty at this point.
I pulled out of my phone, and of course went to check snapchat. My eyes widened as I spotted that Jungkook had posted on his Snapchat story thirty
minutes prior. I clicked his story and grinned so big, tears filling my eyes. This boy got me so emotional.

I hid my blush behind my sleeve, becoming nervous

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I hid my blush behind my sleeve, becoming nervous. What if he had been pretending; hurting me like I hurt him? Or what if he really meant what he said?

I recall the day I was struggling to tell him. One of the many. I started crying right in front of him... He held me close to him, and kissed my forehead. He told me that no matter what it was, he already forgave me.

He probably didn't think of me having sex with his fucking hyung, though. I really don't deserve Jeon Jeonguk... But I miss him, if I just would've controlled my drinking that night, this wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault. Sure, Yoongi was sober and was well aware that we were both in relationships, but I knew how he was. My friends all warned me. Especially... Jiminie. I really missed Jiminie.


I slipped my phone into my pocket, staring at him nervously as he approached me casually.

"(Y/N)," He said smoothly. "you know I'm not upset with you, too, right?"

I scoffed, "Why not?"

"You were wasted," He chuckled childishly. "And I was too drunk to stop you when I saw you and Hyung running upstairs. I knew what was going down... So, I can't fairly be mad."


"And I love you (Y/N)," He smiled brightly, his cheeks flushing. "you're like my little sister."

"Awwwe, Chim," I giggled. "I thought Jane was 'like your little sister'."

"U-Uh," He shook his head. "No, uh... I gotta tell you something."

This obvious flush that brightened his cheekbones grew brighter. I smiled, predicting what was coming.

"What's up?" I tilted my head.

"I k-kinda like her, (Y/N)-Ah," He giggled.

"Why do you guys all date each other?" I laughed.

He shrugged, laughing along with me. "I wonder that sometimes, too."

"Oh, did you want to order something, Chim?"

"Oh, n-no, I actually was gonna tell you about my Christmas Party. Please consider showing up. Look, the only one's that are really mad at you is Jane, Liz, Tae, and I'm not sure if Jungkookie is still mad...," His voice trailed off.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Seokjin, Joon, and Hobi actually miss you!" He smiled.

"But why?" I sighed hopelessly. "I'm just a slut like those girls said."

"(Y/N)," Jimin's eyes were sad. "You were seduced by an attractive guy when you were drunk; you have no boundaries or common sense when you're intoxicated."

"Right," I sighed.

"Consider showing up to the party. I'll make it worth your while," He smiled sweetly.

I smiled back, "Okay Chim. I'll be there."


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