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Tomorrow was supposed to be the huge graduation party that Jimin was throwing. From what I've heard, parties at the end of a school year were always the biggest. But graduation? No more school ever? Everyone wants to turn up.

I was still bummed out that Jungkook wouldn't be there. All these other couples are gonna be there and I'll just miss him even more.

But what bummed me out even more was the incident from a few nights ago. Ya know, the argument between him and Jane? It's probably nothing but it has just got me thinking. And overthinking.

"Jagiya! What are you thinking about?" Jungkook poked my nose.

I flinched, looking around.

"Oh! Sorry," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I was just thinking about the party tomorrow. I wish you could go."

"Yeah, me too," He poked out his lower lip. "We'll have our own party tonight."

He winked both of his eyes before shifting our cuddle position. Hooking his arm around my waist, he casually pulled me on top of him. My cheeks felt hot as my eyes met his smirk.

"J-Jungkook, stop," I covered my face.

He laughed, sitting up to hug me tightly. His hand rested on the back of my head as he pulled me into his chest.

"I'm messing with you," He chortled, loosening his embrace to look at me. "You seem kinda off today. Something bothering you?"

I sighed in surrender, looking up to meet his gaze properly. I bit my lip, the sentence was on the tip of my tongue.

"I lied, I heard your conversation with Jane last night," I mumbled.

His arms fell off of me completely. I looked up from the floor, meeting his surprised expression. I climbed off of him, getting up from the couch.

"I–I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just don't wanna discuss it over the phone," I rambled.

"So you're mad at me?" He tilted his head sideways.

"N-No... I guess I just–"

"Jealous?" He grinned widely, biting his lip to hold back a chuckle.

"No Jungkook, I'm not," I said sarcastically. "It's just that the ex that still has feelings for you accused you of still thinking about her."

Jungkook expression shifted dramatically. He stood up immediately, eyes widened. I bit my tongue, clasping my hand over my mouth.

He wasn't supposed to know that... FUCK!

"J–Janey still what?" He stammered.

"J–Jungkook, you weren't supposed to know that. Please don't confront her, she'll get so mad at Liz for telling me," I rambled.

He dropped onto the couch, looking down at the floor in disbelief.

"Does she actually like Hyung?" He asked, looking up to meet my gaze.

"She does, but her feelings for you linger," I replied softly.

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief, playing with his sleeve out of habit. Standing up from the couch after a long moment of silence, he shrugged.

"I guess it makes sense," He summed.

"What?" I shot him a confused glare.

"I took her virginity, (Y/N)–Ah. And she always told me she would always love me, even if we weren't together," He added.

I stayed silent, the mood felt so awkward. I didn't wanna talk about my boyfriend fucking some girl that was over a foot shorter than him. That also still had feelings for him. I can't blame her though, I'm sure I'll get attached to the person that takes my purity.

"S-So you have feelings for her, too? She took your virginity."

"No, (Y/N)–Ah. It took awhile, but I got over Jane. Our friends, especially Yoongi Hyung, threw away their virginities years ago. But I lost mine when I was ready, so it doesn't bother me," He explained.

I smiled slightly.

"Yah, this conversation is so personal," He chortled with a gentle blush. "(Y/N)–Ah, how do you feel about the one that took yours?"

I shrugged, "You can't love people that don't exist."

"You're a virgin?" Jungkook giggled.

I blushed, "Yes, pervert."

"Nothing wrong with that. Are you waiting until marriage?" He asked curiously.

"Aish, you ask personal questions," I rolled my eyes, chuckling playfully. "I'm waiting until the moment comes. Where I feel comfortable, and I feel like the person is worthy of keeping my virginity."

"I need to hide you from Yoongi Hyung," He chuckled, pulling me in an embrace.

He rested his hands on my lower back as he leaned against the arm of the couch. I stood between his legs, wrapping my arms around his small waist.

"I've heard all about his virgin fetish," I rolled my eyes.

"He doesn't know you're a virgin,
right?" He asked, resting his forehead on the top of my head.



Great. I'm lying to him again.

There was a comfortable silence as we held each other. I loved this about Jungkookie; he always held me or hugged me or kissed me whenever the chance came. I grew a custom to his touch.



"You heard what I said. On the phone."

He told Jane he loved me...

I parted my lips to speak, but words refused to come out.

"I hope that's not why you're so distant today. I miss you, yet you're right in my arms. You're right in front me, but I miss you. I'm sorry," He mumbled. "It just slipped."

He held him tighter, burying my face in his chest.

"I'm here," I muffled.


"I promise," I looked up and met his eyes.

Don't forget to vote, my frien.

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