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"Let's go over it just one more time," He smiled into the giant mirror covering the wall. "One, two, three– Oh... I guess we're out of time."

The entire class period lasted for a total of 90 minutes, most of which was spent in the separate studio with Jungkook.

He went over a pretty simply dance routine with me a few times. By the end of the period I was able to recite the entire routine on my own. Although dancing on my own in front of him was a bit pressuring.

It was five 'til when Jungkook and I were on our way back to the Studio after changing back into our normal clothes in the locker rooms.

"Hey so, that guy... Yoongi?" I began. "What is he like? He was looking at me funny..."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, chuckling softly as he shook his head.

"Don't get involved with Yoongi-Hyung. He's a... playboy," He explained as he pushed open the metal door.

"Ah," I chuckled, following behind him.

The instructor then greeted me with a smile.

"Pretty easy, yeah?" She approached me.

"Yes, Mrs. Uhh..."

"Jang Mi–Nim," She corrected. "Or just Mi–Nim!"

I nodded awkwardly. "Sorry," I chuckled.

"Nah, don't worry. I see you're not from here."

The bell dismissing the period sounded, all the dancers poured out of the studio in seconds.

"See you tomorrow," The instructor nodded to me. "You're gonna do great things here."

I bowed slightly and exited the studio, starting down the hallway. I couldn't help but hear a couple of guys talking behind me.

"Yoongi, don't toy with the poor new girl," I heard one of them say. "That's just cold."

"Hmmm, how so?" He chuckled smoothly.

I skipped down the stairs, speeding up down the hallway. I looked back swiftly as I approached my locker, seeing Yoongi across the hallway at his own.

I sighed, turning back to my locker. I noticed Liz and a really tiny girl beside her in my peripheral vision. I turned slightly and smiled.

"Liz?" I said, opening my locker.

The tiny girl and Liz turned to me.

"Hey!" Liz greeted.

"Who's that?" The smaller girl looked me up and down, then looked at Liz.

"(Y/N). New girl," Liz said.

"Mm. Hello, I'm Jane," She smiled, waving.

Jane looked Italian, mixed with maybe African or Mexican with very curly hair. She was very tiny for her grade. She seemed to be under 5'0. I smiled back at her, waving.

"Nice to meet you," I greeted. "What's your talent?"

"Creative writing," She held up several notebooks labeled with the words she spoke. "And criminal justice."

"She's a Kpop choreographer," Liz noted, gesturing to me.

Jane's expression lit up.

"That's live," She chuckled. "Did you meet Mint Yoongi? He's so fucking ho—"

Liz slapped Jane with the back of her hand. Jane didn't budge, but she rubbed her cheek, frowning.

"Why?" Jane pouted.

"I told your short ass about crushing on fuckboys!" Liz looked down at her, so bold.

"Ugh," Jane rolled her eyes.

"You were better off with Jungkook," Liz shrugged, closing her locker. "Can't believe you lost him, Pabo."

"Hey!" She snapped. "We agreed to stay friends, that's good for something."

I looked at Jane with disbelief.

"You dated Jungkook?" My eyes widened.

"Uh yeah. Two months, nothing serious," She chuckled, rubbing the back of her curly head.

"I had a private lesson with him," I added.

Jane looked to the left, putting on a sarcastic smirk. "Congratulations! I don't believe I asked you for that informa–"

Liz slapped her again.

"LIZ!" Jane shouted, rubbing her red cheek.

"Jane is kind of an ass but, she'll warm up to you," Liz explained with a sheepish smile.

I giggled, "Understood."

The bell for second period sounded.

"Gotta blast!" Jane took off down the hallway. "HISTORY AWAITS!" She echoed down the hallway.

Liz sighed, "She's on meth. But I'll see ya, (Y/N)!" Liz chuckled, walking off down a different hallway.

Holding my calculus book, I turned around and walked right into someone. I stumbled back, looking up to see the same intimidating glare from before.


"I–I'm so sorry," I apologized, flustered with embarrassment.

He smirked, titling his head.

"Don't worry about it, new girl. I'll walk you to class, I'm going to the same place," He said matter–of–factly, turning on his heels. I shouldn't have let him see my book.

"Uh, Okay...," I agreed.

I remember how Jungkook warned me not to get involved with him. And from what I've heard about him so far, I wasn't planning to.

But he just seemed too sweet and innocent! He had the smile of a pure soul, and a sexy laugh.

I followed him down the hallway, dying in the awkward silence between us. I tried to melt within the background voices in the hallway.

He tucked a hand in his white hoodie pocket, turning his head to me.

"Where ya from?" He smiled, looking into my eyes.

I told him my home state and country, mildly explaining my reason for moving here.

"Ah," He nodded, dotting his eyes to the ground and then back up to meet my eyes. "I'm from Daegu, came here to do bigger and better things."

He pushed open a classroom door with his shoulder, allowing me to enter first.

I smiled, walking into the classroom to be hit with several foreign stares. But I suppose I'm the foreigner, yeah?

Gosh, I hate being the new girl.

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