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One week later

"(Y/N)–Ahh~" Jihoon said, pulling me along the food court of the mall. "Let's get a milkshake before we leave."

"Okay," I chuckled.

Jihoon and I have been doing things together everyday this week. He was just so determined to make me feel better after Jungkook and I broke up. It helped a little, don't get me wrong! But at night when I was alone and had a chance to think, it got to me. It got to me bad.

I spotted something at the milkshake stand that took me back. Standing in line was Jane, Liz, Tae, and Jungkook. I was happy that Jungkook and Tae didn't stay in jail for too long, but I also felt anxiety fill my chest. I stopped Jihoon from walking any further.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

I pointed to the group of friends. He gasped softly, pulling me away from the food court. Just before I couldn't see them anymore, I could've sworn that Jungkook and Jane were holding hands...

"Do you wanna go home?" He asked, looking at me with empathy.

"Please...," I mumbled, fighting back tears.

He nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the mall. I sighed deeply.

He was with Jane now? Again?!

I wish I never went to that party. Then maybe, Jungkook and I would still be happy together with no problems. I would still be a virgin, saving myself
for the one I fell in love with.

Before I knew it, we were in the parking lot. He led me to his car, opening the passenger seat for me. I sat down, absorbing the silence of the car to clear my rushing mind.

Jane and Jungkook were holding hands. How could he move on so quickly? I knew he still had lingering feelings...

Thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.

Jihoon started up the car, pulling out of the parking lot. Just at that moment, my phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and eyed the caller ID.

Incoming call from Yoongiii.

I sighed deeply before answering the call. I held the device up to my ear.


There was a long silence.

"I'm sorry," He muttered.


"You know what I'm talking about. I know you're hurt, I knew you loved him. And I did it anyway. I knew Jane loved me, I knew you weren't ready to become unpure," He spoke in a soft, deep voice. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)–Ah."

At least he wasn't addressing me as Kitten.

"Okay Yoongi. I understand," I replied.

"You don't understand. I can't apologize enough," He sighed deeply. "Jungkook, Jane and Liz hate me now."

"A-Are Jane and Jungkook a thing now?" I asked hesitantly.

"Why would you ask?"

"I just saw them holding hands a few minutes ago," I replied.

There was another long silence. I could practically see the annoyance on his bruised face. He sighed deeply into the line before speaking.

"I wanna see you," He said. "As soon as possible. No rush, though."

"Tomorrow morning? I'm off work," I suggested.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Kitten," I could hear his smile.

"Y-Yoongi, I don't wanna–"

"I'm not gonna try and have sex with you," He chuckled softly.

I blushed, "Ugh, I wasn't gonna say that!"

I blushed, "Ugh, I wasn't gonna say that!"

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