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After Date with Yoongi
(Y/N)'s POV

"It's pouring, love," Yoongi urged me. "Let me drive you."

"No, please," I smiled awkwardly. "My apartment is just right down the strip of the city, and I have a big umbrella, thanks to my new friend."

He smiled softly, tilting his head.

"Whatever, Pabo," He leaned in, cupping my cheeks. His soft lips pecked my forehead gently. "Don't catch a cold."

I smiled, blood rushing to my cheeks. "Bye Yoongi-ah."

I skipped off his porch, opening my umbrella. I began walked down the soaked sidewalk, weaving through all the people that flooded the strip. It surprised me that so many people were out, walking during this kind of weather.

I still felt extremely flustered and hot from the sweet kiss that Yoongi bared my forehead. It wasn't lustfully kissing my lips or neck, it was a sweet kiss that made you feel giddy.

Then something brought drown my giddiness all the way. As if it were never even there. Jungkook... hated forehead kisses, or anywhere that wasn't his lips. And he made every kiss better than the last.

Tears blurred my vision. I sniffled, coming to a halt. I missed those little details about him. The people had cleared out by now so I was pretty much alone. I wiped my eyes with my jacket sleeve, continuing to walk forward through the heavy rain.

The sirens of paramedics and police cars brought an alert to my heart which skipped a beat. The several vehicles sped past me, causing me to sprint to the other side of the sidewalk.

Wait—those weren't paramedics... Among the several police cars, there was a coroner—the officer that picks up dead bodies. And the cars turned into MY complex. I gasped loudly, running through the rain as fast as I can. I closed Jihoon's umbrella, holding it tightly by my side as I ran towards the complex.

I had no clue why I wanted to see this, but I did. As I turned into the complex, I stopped dead in the tracks.

Three wrecked cars. One car in spectacular stood out to me—Lee Jihoon's FUCKING car!

I gasped loudly, running to where the coroner was parked. I ran past the side of the van, stepping in front of the scene. My heart broke in my chest as I saw my friend, unconscious with blood dripping from his mouth. I parted my lips to cry or scream, I had no clue which to pick.

I stepped back in shock, dropping the umbrella onto the flooded black top.

"It's Lee Jihoon sir, graduated from Seoul Performing Arts High School two years ago," One of the cops explained to the coroner.

My school...?

He sighed deeply, looking through the busted window. "He was young. Very young."

Tears streamed down my cheeks, I started sobbing uncontrollably. He was dead. Jihoon—My only best friend, was dead.

I picked up the umbrella and covered my mouth, running to my apartment. The eyes of the officers laid on me, looking at my running figure with concern.

I skipped up the wet, metal stairs. My eyes landed on three cops inside Jihoon's apartment. I cried harder, finally reaching my door. I turned the knob and ran inside, shutting the door behind me. The sudden peace and silence startled me as I sobbed into my hands, dropping the umbrella of my now dead friend on the carpet.

I walked to the window, peeking through the curtains as I noticed the coroner driving away. Jihoon was gone forever, now.

I sighed, looking down at the pastel purple umbrella on the carpet.

"I never got to return your umbrella..."


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