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Guilty Consciences.

They keep you awake for days, erase your appetite, and just stress you the fuck out 24/7.

Currently 3 O'Clock am, I decided to call him. Its been three days since I lost my virginity and I'd barely gotten any sleep lately. I desperately needed to clear this up.

"Hello?" He answered in a groggy voice. "Are you aware of what time it is, kitten?"

"Yoongi–Ah... I need to talk to you about something," I began hesitantly.

"Okay," He sighed.

I bit my lip, unsure of exactly what I wanted to say. I had allot to say, but I just couldn't vocally put it into words. I wish I would've planned ahead for this phone call.

"I was drunk, okay?" I sighed restlessly. "It didn't mean anything."

He chuckled, "Your virginity didn't mean anything to you?"

"Th-That's not what I meant, Yoongi. I mean us. We're not anything. It was a mistake. You have your girlfriend and I have my boyfriend and we just need to move past this. Please, for the best," I explained steadily.

"Those scratches and moans were a mistake? Didn't seem like it at the time," He remarked sarcastically.

I sighed desperately, "Please take me seriously for once!"

The line was silent for a moment. I was about to say 'Hello?' again before I heard his muffled breath sigh into the line.

"Okay," He said softly. "You're still my kitten, though. Don't let Jungkook call you that."

I blushed, "Wh-What? Ugh, goodnight Min Yoongi."

"Goodnight, Kitten."

Don't forget to vote, my frien.

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