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The end of a busy day finally came, I was just about to leave our the school's main exit when Liz caught me at the last minute.

"Yo, Kid," She pulled out her phone. "Let me get your number... You're my friend now, I'm claiming you."

"Okay," I shrugged, pulling out of my phone.

When we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes, I left school and headed towards the subway. I sighed, so ready to get off my feet.


When I finally arrived home, I was greeted by my adopted parents, Kim Hwan and Kim Gidu.

My adoptive mother, Kim Gidu, greeted me at the front door as I walked in.

"How was your first day?" She asked, lifting my backpack from my shoulders.

"Not bad," I rolled my shoulders, wandering into the kitchen toward the smell of rice noodle soup.

"Make any friends? Any good classes?" Kim Hwan asked.

"A few," I answered, filling a bowl with steaming noodles and broth. "They helped me find my classes. My dance class is great."

"Glad to hear."


I was in my room, eating my noodle soup when my phone started vibrating like crazy. I picked it up and realized I had been added to a group chat with nine other people. The title was, "Stuff & Things"

Stuff & Things

Liz has added +15550986119 to the group.

Yoongi-Who the hell is that?


Jungkook-Oh hiiiiiiiiiiii (Y/N) =)

Hobi-Ah the new girl?

That's me.

Jimin-Welcome to the chat that
we blow up all day and all night...
it gets annoying, believe me.



Namjoon-Hey (Y/N).


Jane–I lost my homework. i'm
gonna get detention again.
Fucking fantastic.


Jane–Oh (Y/N) is here now. hi.

Jungkook–Jane i got youuu. you can copy mine. =) even though it's probably all wrong.

Jane–Better than detention!
Thanks love<3


Namjoon-Tomorow is friday.
what are we doing?


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