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"And that's why I hate being called 'oppa'. I'd rather call a girl Noona rather than her calling me Oppa," He explained, sipping his sweet tea through his purple straw.

"I'm not a noona. I'm eighteen and you're nineteen," I giggled.

(A/N) ARMY chill i know how old my bias is. but they just graduated from high school so, ya know.

"I don't really care. I like you either way," He smiled, his straw poking his lower lip.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Yoongi told me. Ya know, about Jungkook losing his virginity to Jane? It's just strange to think about.

Jane looks 12 for crying out loud! She's 4'8 and can surprisingly reach the peddles of her car.

It wasn't any of my business, it's the past. It happened before I even met them. But it was just disturbing. Jane kinda gave off the vibe that she wasn't very fond of me sometimes. But other times, she was like my close friend.

And what disturbed me even more was that Liz, her bestfriend, clarified her lingering feelings for Jungkook.

"What ya thinking about?" Jungkook asked, rolling on top of me. His chin rested against my chest.

"Huh? Oh!" I looked at him, blushing in embarrassment. "J–Jungkook, can I ask you something?"

He nodded, laying his head sideways on my chest.

We were currently at his house. We previously ate at a Korean Bbq restaurant, and crashed in his room after.

Cuddling and talking. It outweighs any date in the world and it's free!

"Um. I heard some things. About you and Jane?" I brought up cautiously.

A red tone took over his cheeks.

"O-Oh. You know about that?" He suddenly got very shy and distant.

"I was just wondering if it was true, it doesn't bother me," I smiled supportively.

"Um yeah... She took my virginity. And I took hers. Then a bunch of drama caused us to break up," He mumbled.

"What happened?"

"(Y/N), I don't think I wanna talk about this," He looked away.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for asking," I looked away as well.

He looked up at me, ruffled my hair.

"It's okay, it's cute when you're nosey," He smiled.

I smiled back.

Jungkook's million dollar smile never failed to make my heart flutter. His large bunny teeth were my favorite feature.

"I like it when you smile," I thought aloud.

"Awe~ I like it when you exist," He nuzzled his head in my neck, kissing the skin softly.

I giggled, squirming under his embrace.

"J-Jungkook, that tickles!" I shrieked. "Cheesy bastard."

He chuckled, shifting his body slightly on top of mine. He reached up, placing his hands behind my head. He tilted his head, pressing a loving kiss against my lips. I could never help but fluster whenever he kissed me.

I returned his kiss, closing my eyes. His hand slid down to my waist slowly, caressing my body.

Then some autistic thunder ruined everything!~


We flinched, breaking the kiss. He looked into my eyes before cuddling into me again. 

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