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Christmas morning
(Y/N)'s Apartment

Word Count: 839

I opened my eyes.


Alone on Christmas. Yeah, that kind of sucked, but at least I came this far. I rolled out of bed, still wondering about the college acceptance letter that I had yet to ever receive. I wandered into the living room, kneeling down by the twinkling Christmas tree. Even though I was alone, this was way better than my past Christmas's. In foster homes, the Christmas presents we received were bought by citizens and charities out of pity. These three gifts were given to me by my friends out of genuine love.

Just as I was about to grab for the first gift, I decided to make some hot coco first.

Itty Bitty Time Skippy

Kneeling down by the Christmas tree with a white mug steaming with hot coco in one hand, I set the mug down on the carpet and reached for the first gift.

Yoongi's. I carefully peeled off the baby blue wrapping paper and opened the box. I gasped loudly. A record player with three of my favorite albums.  I smiled brightly, pulling it out of the box and carefully placing it on the floor beside me.

It was a portable record player; it resembled a briefcase when closed. I opened it up, looking at the brand new machine. I opened the first album and placed the large disk on the record player. I dropped the needle and smild as my favorite song began playing.

Looking down into the box, I notice an envelope. I picked it up and tore it open. My eyes widened as I noticed Yoongi's pretty hand writing across the delicate paper.

(Y/N) (L/N),

As I said before, I can never apologize enough for what I've done which has permanently affected your life. But please know, I am sorry.

I've grown a custom to your heart, (Y/N). You're my first love... But you don't need someone like me holding you back. Jungkook is better for you. But I will never leave your side.

I promise.

— Min y.g.

I smiled softly, folding the note and slipping it into my back pocket.

Good to know.

I grabbed the next gift, given to me by Janey. It was a Van's shoebox with a dark blue, sparkly Christmas bow on top. I opened the shoebox and wasn't surprised to see two letters. Janey was terrible at gifts, so she wrote to people as a gift.

I unfolded the first letter.


I apologize for our bumpy start. I had to first grow a custom to our friendship, which I have. Have a Merry fucking Christmas!~

Oh! Also, when I was mad at you... I uh was just so happening to pass your place to I looked in your mail box. Long story short, I took the acceptance letter from KU. See you on campus, next year.


I gasped loudly, scrambling for the other note. With anxious, trembling fingers I unfolded the letter. My heart jumped a mile as I saw the official KU stamp on the corner of the paper.

(Y/N) (L/N),

I am delighted to inform you that the Committee of Admissions has admitted you to the class of 2018...

I screamed, throwing the note on the floor. THEY ACCEPTED ME! In sixth months, I'd be pursuing my passion for Kpop and choreography.

With tears of joy streaming down my flushed cheeks, I reached for the last box. Jeongguk's gift.

The box was huge, and from how neatly the wrapping paper was wrapped, I know he couldn't have wrapped it. I carefully tore the paper off and opened the box. I gasped, clapping a hand over my mouth.

Expensive ass clothes, giant bags of candy, that weird Korean soda I like and... train tickets!

I grabbed the one-round tickets and read them.


We were visiting Busan! I notice that their were ten tickets. That means we're all going!

I sniffled, placing the tickets down beside me. I pulled out the outfits and counted three of them. There was a card attached to one.

Just thought about you :)

I smiled, looking at the outfits, which seemed
to be female replicants of many of his outfits.

I rolled my eyes, he always wanted me to dress like him. But I didn't mind it. Turning my attention back to the box, I was alarmed to see a letter stamped with KU's official stamp.

I quickly grabbed the letter and unfolded it.

Jeon Jeongguk,

Your dormitory partners have been selected.

Park Jimin

Janey Henderson

(Y/N) (L/N)

My name was circled. I smiled brightly; we'd literally live together.

In my small moment of joy, there was a knock at the door. I got up from the carpet, skipping over to the front door. Still in my pj's with messy hair, I opened the door to see my love.

"Hey Jeongg—"

And you will NEVER believe who I saw standing beside my boyfriend.



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