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The Next Morning

A double knock at the front door caught my attention. I turned off my music, quickly fixing my messy hair as I jumped up from the couch. I approached the front door cautiously, taking a deep breath before revealing the sweet smile of Min Yoongi.

"Goodmorning," He smiled, bowing his head slightly.

I opened the door wide, allowing entrance.

"Morning," I greeted in return.

He stepped inside, examining the living room before plopping himself down on the couch. He patted a space next to him, gleaming that innocent smile.

I placed myself a safe distance away from him, gesturing my body towards him. I stayed silent, waiting for him to speak.

"I'm really sorry you're going though this, (Y/N)–Ahh," He began softly.


"It's not okay," He cut my off. "Because you're not okay."

He got me there. I parted my lips to speak and nothing but silence was spoken. He placed his hand on top of mine, looking deep into my eyes. I looked down at his pale, thin hand as it rested naturally upon my own.

"(Y/N)," He consoled.

I met the dark, calmness of his eyes.

"I don't care what happens to girls after a one night stand. I don't care if they're single or not, either. As bad as it sounds, I have to admit it if I'm willing to do it," He explained.

I frowned slightly, "Then why are you here?"

"Because I care about you," He confessed. "I–I didn't wanna admit this ever but I feel something for you. Something I haven't felt with any other slut that I slept with. You didn't deserve to be treated so dirty, you deserved way better than me."

Blood rushed to my cheeks, filling them with visible color. I looked into his eyes, unable to speak. I just smiled and looked away. He chuckled softly at my expression.

"I like you a lot, (Y/N)."


His hand slowly traveled up my arm until the warmth of his hand cupped my red cheek. I met his serious eyes as he leaned in casually, not even pausing before he pressed a sweet kiss on my lips. I didn't kiss back, I just sat there like a flustered idiot.

He leaned away and smiled at me.

"I know you love Jungkook. But at least consider seeing me tomorrow night," He smirked.

"Y-Yoongi I don't wanna have sex with you anymore," I stammered.

He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. I blushed in humiliation, letting out a dramatic sigh. He wiped away his tears of laughter, looking at me with a smile of amusement.

"You're so stupid, Kitten. I mean a date!~" He enthused.

"A what?"

"C'mon, don't say no," He rose from the couch, making his way to the front door. "After all, we only have each other now."

And he left. And that was that. What a sentence to leave on! But it was true; all we had was each other. Everyone else hated us.

But I love Jeon Jungkook...

But I love Jeon Jungkook

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