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Over One month later
(Woozi)Lee Jihoon's funeral

The weather was foggy and rainy. The weather was extremely off for it to be near Christmas. On the news, it stated that the Earth has been tilting slightly toward the sun this year, throwing off the seasons. It's been rainy, foggy and humid for the past weeks.

But today, the weather fit this environment. My friend's funeral. The friend I lost in the blink of an eye. I saw allot of people that I recognized at this funeral; My high school contacted all the graduates of this year and last and the year before that and asked them to attend this funeral, due to the fact that Jihoon was one of their best students.

Only 200 people showed up. Including Hajin, who graduated last year. And all my old friends: Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Kim Soekjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Elizabeth Girard, Jane and Jeon Jungkook...

Jane and Jungkook stood beside each other, and I could notice that they stayed close and talked to each other the entire time. Yoongi stood by side, and Jungkook was very aware of it. He stood on the over side of the ceremony, nearly right in front of me. I would watch him occasionally passing glances my way.

The two hundred of us wore our black and yellow uniforms, waiting for the ceremony to start.

I turned to Yoongi, placing my hand
just above the crook of his elbow. He turned his head slightly and looked me in the eyes.


"Were you close at all? With Lee Jihoon?" I asked curiously

He looked away, letting out a deep sigh. With despair present in his voice, he spoke, "He was my first cousin."

I gasped, staring at him with bug eyes. He tilted his head, raising an eyebrow in question. 


"He was my bestfriend, we were neighbors," I explained quietly.

"He was a great person," He look down. "Wasn't he?"

"You guys weren't close?" I asked, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"No," He answered simply. "He hated me, actually."

"I doubt that," I scoffed.

"How would you know?" He frowned.

My face softened, "How could he hate his own cousin?"

"Because of who I am," He laid his eyes on the coffin before us. "I hurt girls. He's the opposite: the perfect spouse."

"But you wouldn't hurt me?" I brought up softly.

He smiled lightly, "I'm not that dumb."

I smiled slightly, ending the conversion before the service began. I had gotten into a state where I couldn't talk without crying. But soon came my turn to speak.

"Thank for the umbrella, Woozi," I spoke softly into the mic.

A few soft "awe's" were bears from the crowd of people standing in the rain. I sigher deeply as the hot tears rolled down my flushed cheeks.

I flinched slightly as I felt Yoongi's arm resting around my shoulder, comforting me. I leaned into him, wiping my tears away.

I was shocked to see a girl approach us.
Jane. She folded her arms, looking up at us.

"I need to talk to her," She ordered without looking at Yoongi.

He shrugged and walked away.

"Asshole," Jane growled under her breath.

I coughed awkwardly, "So what's up?"

"You're stupid as fuck for hurting him," She said quietly yet harshly. "Don't do it again."

Then she walked away. I tilted my head in confusion. What did she mean by, 'Don't do it again.'? Will I actually have the chance to? Not that I would take it! But is he willing to take me back?

If this is true! —Wrong timing! Yoongi has feelings for me. And I'm kinda, maybe, sorta talking to him right now. Nothing serious and no sex, course.

I shook my head, looking down at the flooded grounded. I was shocked to see that they were already burying Jihoon's coffin.

I sighed deeply, standing amongst the hundreds of students.

"Thanks for the umbrella, Woozi," I whispered.

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