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The party had already started an hour ago, so I was thankful for my VIP parking space. And by that, I mean Jiminie's front yard. I was still in the middle of doing my Halloween makeup.

Not many people were dressing up, but Jane and Liz were pretty childish about Halloween. Jane was dressing as a bunny, Liz was a tiger, and I decided on a...


How ironic! Hopefully Yoongi wouldn't be too annoying about it.

I finished drawing on my whiskers and sprayed setting spray all over my face. Waiting for it to dry, I grabbed my kitten ears and placed them securely on my head.

I smiled softly into the mirror before grabbing my phone, my keys and my purse.

A/N: I don't like purses either, edGY. But i mean c'mon, wtf are you gonna carry your dildo and ass plug in?

lol jk-

I stepped out of my bedroom and made my way down the hallway, shutting all the lights off and turning off the TV in the living room. I approached the front door and stepped out into the breezy night. I grabbed my keys from my purse, walking down the stairs.

Just as I reached the bottom of the staircase, Jihoon stepped out of his apartment with his keys.

"Oh hey (Y/N)," He greeted.

I spun around in his direction, revealing my kitten makeup. I smiled and waved.

"How cute," He tilted his face and smiled. "Have you told him?"

My expression turned somber. I reluctantly shook my head, looking away in shame.


"I-I think I'll tell him tonight," I sighed. "It's been two weeks. I can't wait any longer."

"Right," He sighed.

Just as I began to walk away again, he spoke up.

"Well have fun tonight, Kitten! Be safe!"

I growled, whipping around.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I blurted angrily.

He laughed at my expression. I rolled my eyes with an annoyed groan, getting inside of my unlocked car. I dramatically sped out of the complex.


Seonjing Square.

The beginning of Jimin's neighborhood. I pulled out my phone, rolling slowly down the empty road.

Stuff & Things

Me: 5 min away.

Jimin: Good... I kinda think there's about to be a fight.

Me: OH WHO?!?! xD

Namjoon: no it's not funny.

Hoseok: Yoongi and kookie...

Me: WHAT......

Jin: get here fast. stop texting.

At the moment of reading that, I tossed my phone into the passenger seat and stomped on the gas. I flew through the neighborhood, my hands trembling as they squeezed the steering wheel.

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