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Later that day, I was feeling pretty much better. The soreness in my stomach had faded a little and so did my migraine. I still felt dizzy and fragile, but I was gonna survive.

Emotionally, I felt like shit.

I lost my virginity to someone that didn't even love me...

The one that did possibly love me was never gonna talk to me again when they found out. No—Jungkook can not find out.

He can never find out about this. It would ruin everything. Jungkook wouldn't talk to me or Yoongi anymore, neither would Jane or Liz. And I'm pretty sure the rest of the boys wouldn't talk to me either.

My harsh thoughts were halted by my phone. I looked over, picking it up and viewing the screen. It was a text from Jihoon.

Jihoon-Hey, you awake yet?


Jihoon- come downstairssssss

I groaned, getting up from my bed. I stumbled into the living room and put on my shoes, slipping on a jacket, and combing my hair a few times with my fingers.

I walked outside, the air was cool and breezy. I skipped down the metal stairs to see Jihoon's bright smile. I smiled for him, approaching him at his front doorway.

"Hey," I greeted in a soft voice.

"Uh, hey," He looked away, scratching the back of his head. "Look (Y/N), we're friends, right? Just friends?"

"Well yeah, I have a boyfriend," I said reluctantly.

But I fucked another guy. His friend.

"You don't remember, do you?" He asked.

"Remember what?"

"When you got home last night, you tried to kiss me. Y-You kept calling me Yoongi," He blushed intensely, looking down.

I blushed as well, looking away in humiliation.

"I'm sorry!" I shrieked. "I was wasted last night and just so much shit happened that I don't remember. A-And–"

My voice trailed off into a sob. I covered my face, biting my lip to keep the tears in. It didn't work; my tears flowed down my cheeks.

Jihoon heard my muffled sobs. Relieving a sigh, he stepped over to me. I continued to sob as his thin arms wrapped around my shoulders comfortingly.

He stroked my hair, holding my close as I cried. My voice was inaudible as I tried to explain what happened.

"I-I-I...," I stammered.

"Shhh, don't try to talk when you cry," He soothed.

I calmed myself down, sobbing less and less. I finally hugged him back, wrapping my arms around the small boy tightly.

"So what happened?" He asked, pulling away slightly to look at me.

I rubbed my puffy eyes, my voice cracked as I spoke.

"I–I got drunk and had sex with Yoongi last night, Jihoon. He seduced me and my boyfriend wasn't around," I began to cry again.

Jihoon bit his lip, unsure of what to say. He sighed, looking away.

"Don't cry. You can't fix what you did," He said plainly. "But I think you should tell Jungkook yourself before he finds out."

"I'm so scared," I confessed, rubbing tears away with my sleeve.

"It'll be worse if you let him find out. No matter what happens, I'm always hear to talk," He smiled.

I smiled through the tears, of course still feeling like shit. I turned on my heels, starting back towards the staircase.

"Thanks, friend," I muttered. "And I'm sorry for trying to kiss you."

He laughed, looking away with a blush. "I forgive you!"

I don't forgive myself at all. Will I ever?

Don't forget to vote, my frien.

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