Petra Pan

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A girl sat high above in the trees, her jay blue eyes that matched her father's stared at the island acrossed the water. A light breeze blew her reddish brown hair over her eyes but she kept staring. A storm was rolling above the island, a storm that would never make it over to where she was. No storms never like that touched Auradon's sky. She found herself wondering what it would be like to just stand in the heavy rain.


The girl flinched, busted again. She looked down to see Fairy Godmother staring up at her. 

"May you come down so we can speak please"

"Busted Fee" the girl, Petra smiled to the small ferret sleeping in the shoulder bag Evie had made her. 

Then with a small leap Petra jumped from the tree landing on her feet in front of Fairy Godmother.

"You definitely he your father's gifts" Fairy Godmother stated nicely.

"Takes just a pinch of Pixie dust" Petra smiled.

"Yes well you missed class again"

"Sorry Fairy Godmother my mind.." Petra took a glance back at the Isle way "Wander off again"

Fairy Godmother tilted her head slightly at the way her student was acting.

"Something on your mind Petra?"

"...Fairy Godmother...Have you ever felt like your not in the right place or something is pulling you somewhere else?"

"..Well no, but I'm sure its nothing unmanageable"

 Petra shrugged slightly as Fee made a squeak. Fairy Godmother pierced her lips together as she looked at her student.

"Well..How about we let todays missed class excused and you got ask miss Potts for some coco tell her I sent you"

"Thank you Fairy Godmother"

Then with a small smile Fairy Godmother was gone, Petra turned looked back at the Isle watching the lightening of the storm. Fee squeaked as she climbed up to Petra shoulder.

"Somethings out there Fee," Petra stated handing the ferret an apple slice from her pocket "I'm just not sure what"

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