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Caroline's POV

I was now in a consult with my phycologist, who just told me that this was going to be my last session with him because he had to move away.

"Here's the thing, Caroline. Before I leave, I tell to most of my patients to keep with these sessions with someone I trust, but for the rest, where you are included, I suggest to have someone who you cuddle and talk to. I'm not telling you to get in a relationship, you should only get in a relationship when you feel like you are ready, I'm telling you to have someone who you can cuddle and talk about things, a cuddle buddy, if you will."

"What? I'm sorry but that is crazy. I'm not going to get a stranger to cuddle with me. That's just weird." I protested right away because this was crazy.

"Maybe at first, but a cuddle buddy doesn't need to be just someone to cuddle, it can be a friend too. Besides, the person who you will cuddle with, will be someone that I trust. Along the years, it's been proven that this kind of therapy is effective." He said calmly and I just looked at him without knowing what to say because this was surreal.

This is weird, right? I mean, cuddling with a stranger? How do I even know he won't be a serial killer?

"This is his number." He said giving me a card that said Klaus Mikaelson and had the phone number. "You two can meet before cuddling and try to get to know each other better before starting this therapy. Try it and if in a month you will still be uncomfortable with this situation, call me and I give you a number of another phycologist of my trust."

"What about you just give me the number of another phycologist?" I asked.

"Caroline, give this a chance. You two have a lot to deal with and you both felt similar things that most of people wouldn't understand. I believe you two will became great friends."

"What do you mean we felt similar things?" I asked curious.

"I'm not allowed to say more, Caroline. You two should meet, try this kind of therapy and maybe talk about what you're feeling." He said.

"Can I at least know if he has a police record?"

"He is clean. Caroline, sometimes it's good to explore the unknown, it might be scary but you can't let that stop you." He said.

"Fine." I said, giving up of arguing with him. "I will try this but if it won't work in a month we'll talk."

"Deal." He said and after we said our goodbyes, I left to my house.


I was finishing an article to give tomorrow, when I received a text from the so called Klaus.

'Hello. I am Klaus. Our phycologist apparently had this idea that we should meet to know each other and became "cuddle buddies" or something. Tonight is good for you?'

I wasn't excited about this but I knew I had to accept it and give this crazy idea a try.

'Sure. Do you know Darren's?'

'Yes. When would you like to meet?'

'How about in 15?'

'Sounds good to me. But how do I know it's you?'

'I'll text you when I get there.'

'Alright. See you then.'

I saved the document and quickly change clothes because I was with my comfy clothes and I wasn't going to get out of my house with what I was wearing.

After I changed, I went to the bar and texted him so he would know I was there and that I was the one with blonde hair and dark blue dress in the bar, drinking wine.

Yes, I was drinking wine in the second I got there... I'm not an alcoholic but this is new to me and I have no idea what I am getting into. I hate not knowing what will happen, I hate doing something that I have no idea how it will end.

"Sorry. Is your name Caroline?" A British man asked me.

"Klaus?" I asked.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." He said with a smirk.

"You too." I said.

"Hello, there! Would you like something to drink or...?" A waitress said, clearly trying to flirt with him, which made me roll my eyes.

Yes, Klaus might be good looking but that's no reason for drooling over him in the second you see him.

"Bourbon, please."

"Sure thing, blue eyes." She said and after giving him a cup of bourbon said. "If you need anything, you know where to find me."

Seriously? She doesn't even know him.

"Thanks, love." He said and I rolled my eyes because he was making the bartender actually think that might happened between them. I hate guys who just give false hopes to girls so they can use them to get something, even if it's just a stupid drink. He looked at me and asked. "Would you like to go to a table and talk about our situation or whatever you would like to call it?"

"Sure." I said and we went to a table in the corner where wasn't much people and talk about boundaries and stuff like that.

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