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No One's POV

After they promised to be there for each other, they went back to his bed and just cuddle, Niklaus enjoying having her in his arms and Caroline being in his arms and trying to appreciate it as much as she could because she knew it would eventually end and that she wouldn't have more affecting ways from Klaus because of them trying to be just friends. And like if the universe knew what she was thinking, Klaus's phone rang.

"Aren't you gonna answer it?"

"I'm liking to be like this."

"It might be something important." Caroline said because even if she enjoyed being in his arms, she didn't want him to miss some news or something important because of her.

"Alright, I'll answer it." He said, grabbing his phone and answering.

"Hello?" He said and his face quickly went from annoyed to serious.

He didn't want to talk on the phone with Caroline listening so he excused himself and went to the living room to talk with his sister. His sister called him because their father just announced that he was going to take all of Klaus's money because now that he left their home and decided to be independent, their father didn't want to take that independence from him, meaning, he no longer could have financial support from his family.

By the time he ended the call, Caroline was out of the bedroom and when saw Klaus upset with the phone call, she just hugged him from behind.

"Do you wanna talk?"

"No. I need to take a walk. I need some air." He said.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No. I need to be alone for now. If you want, you can stay here but I have no idea how long I'll be out. I just need to go." He said.

"Alright. I guess I'm going home. When you feel like talking or just being with someone, you can call me and I'll get to you as fast as I can. I'm here for you." Caroline said and Klaus just nodded.

After Caroline left, Klaus stayed there for a few minutes, wondering how his father made that decision without even warning him. Niklaus couldn't believe how his father was being. At least could talk with him but no... He had to do this behind his back.

Niklaus knee he shouldn't but he needed. It was the only thing that could keep him from going to his parents place and have another fight with his father. So after receiving the text, he went to Jane's place to have sex and forget about his father issues for a moment.

The moment Jane opened the door, Klaus kissed her almost aggressively and before she could ask, he started to making her moan and quickly took her to her bedroom and had sex with her. He didn't even bother to see if she was enjoying it, he just needed to do it so he could forget about his father and stop himself from doing something that could make things worse.

"What happened?" Jane asked after they had sex.

"Nothing." He lied.

"This is your 'I'm angry and need to forget about my issues' kinda sex." Jane said and he just looked at her. "What? I know you for awhile. I know a few things about you."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

"You can talk to me if you want to. I mean, I know you have Caroline but I'm here for you too." Jane said and kissed Klaus.

"It's just issues with my father. Nothing I'm not used to." He said.

"You don't want to talk about it. I get it. I'm not going to force you into talking about it. I just want you to know that you can talk to me. We are friends after all." Jane said and he nodded.

"I'm sure Danny wouldn't be much happy if he knew how available you are to talk with me."

"Danny and I are no longer a thing." Jane said and he just nodded because had no idea what to say. "I don't want to talk about it if that's what you're worried about."

"It's not that. I just don't know what to say with that information."

"There's nothing to say. Things don't work out sometimes." She said. "Klaus don't keep everything inside. I'm okay with you not sharing stuff with me but you should go to someone to vent about stuff. It won't help you in anything, it will only make it worse. Everyone needs to talk with someone about their issues, being big or small. We all need to vent."

It felt good hearing that even though what he really wanted was having Caroline comforting him.

"I don't know what happened but I'm sure everything will be okay. You will find a way to get through this issue with your father." Jane said and kissed Klaus.

Klaus pulled her to his lap and started kissing her. The kiss was slow and caring. He could feel Jane kissing him just to comfort him and not to have sex with him.

"I don't know if we should keep this up." He said breaking the kiss. "Caroline and I got in a huge fight and it was because of me sleeping with you, actually it was about her thinking I was sleeping with half the woman in the city."

"Are you going to say you don't have sex with other women besides me? Because I know you and you are the kind of guy who may be with a girl for awhile but gets bored easily and just looks for fun."

"Well, I have been only having sex with you. You understand what this is and we actually talk about stuff and until now I didn't found you boring so yes, maybe there was a time I slept with many girls but now I've been only having sex with you." He said, surprising Jane because she knew very well what he used to be like.

"You might only have sex with me but you two clearly are more than just friends and it's obvious she doesn't want to picture with another girl."

"It was her choice."

"No. Her choice was you two being only friends. You were the one who chose to keep having sex with me." Jane said.

"She's not my girlfriend so I can sleep with whoever I want. Besides, you are my friend, not hers. You should be on my side."

"I'm just helping you seeing her point but in the end I'm on your side." She said and kissed him.

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