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Caroline's POV

I was eating the pancakes, while wondering if I should ask Klaus about what happened last night or not.

"Ask." He said.

"What?" I asked trying to fake that I didn't knew what he was talking about.

"You clearly want to ask me something... ask."

"I was wondering about last night. I know you don't want to talk about it but... I can't avoid wondering about what happened. You were fine at lunch and a few hours later, you appeared, and was clearly after being in a fight..."

Niklaus's POV

I have to tell her... She is probably wondering now if it's safe to invite me to her place or not.

"It's okay. It would be weird if you wouldn't be wondering about what happened." I cut her off. "I had a disagreement with someone of my family because he was drinking more than usual and he didn't like that I told him that he should stop drinking, so he started to get really mad and with the alcohol effects, he started to be violent but I didn't wanted to hurt him so after he got tired of fighting me, he went to bed and I cleaned my wounds, but I didn't wanted to stay under the same roof as him, so I come to you..."

"I'm so sorry..." she said. "If you want you can stay a few days here."

"Thank you, love. But I think this was a one time thing." I lied.

I knew very well that until my parents decide to leave, that my father would keep being aggressive towards me. I could be lucky enough to not have him beating me every day but I knew very well that at least a verbal fight I was going to have because I can't spend a single day in the same place as my dad without ending in us fighting or him saying how I suck and how he is so ashamed of me.

"Okay. But, sorry for asking this, why are you letting him stay in your place?"

"Because it's a family house. It's not just mine and my siblings's."

"Oh... okay." She said. "But if you need a place to stay, you can always come here. I know that a few days ago we didn't even knew each other but if you need a place to stay, you would be more than welcome to stay here."

"Thank you, love." I said and we got back to eating the pancakes.

"Klaus?" She said after we eat in silence for a little while.


"Doctor Fields told me that we should talk about our problems and talk about what we used to talk with him... How do you think we should do that? I mean, one thing is talking to a professional, another completely different is talking with someone who you cuddle with and just met a few days ago." She said.

"I think we should talk about that stuff when we want to. I don't think we should force something like that." I said.

The truth is that even if Caroline is a nice person who doesn't mind to listen to my problems, I don't know how to tell her about my dad's violence and how I always felt like I was never good enough. Something like this isn't easy to just tell someone. I don't have many friends but even the few I have, don't know about it. I never liked to talk about it nor talk about my feelings because that's when I show my weaknesses and I don't like people to see how weak I can be.

"I completely agree." She said then looked at her phone. "Gosh, I have to go or I'll be late. Don't worry with the plates. Stay as long as you want, make yourself at home. Bye." She said and gave me a peck in the cheek, then run over to her car.

After I finished eating, I decided to clean the plates and everything else that was used to make the pancakes because I didn't want her to come back from work exhausted and still having to clean the dishes. I don't know why but even if it's been a few days since we met, I care about Caroline's feelings and well-being.

When I was finished with the dishes, I got out of her place and instead of going home, I went straight to my studio, where I took a shower and after changing clothes, (I have clothes in my studio because sometimes I feel so inspired that I stay there painting and drawing for days) I went back to work and continued painting whatever I was painting that I still had no real idea of what was it because sometimes I start painting and just go with it without knowing how will end up.

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