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No One's POV

Niklaus was upset at Caroline's behavior, he has been truthful with her about him having sex with Jane and the real reason but Caroline didn't believe him and that upset him. The worst about all that was that he just wasn't with the woman he wanted because she did not want to give into the attraction that they have, it was all because of Caroline. He was very fond of her but she didn't want it and he had to do his best to forget his feelings towards her. Niklaus hasn't told Caroline everything about his life and fears but until now he is been always honest with her and gave her no reason to act like that or talk to him like she was.

"I'm not giving you excuses. I'm being honest. Besides, even if it were excuses, you were the one who said we should be just friends. If we are friends, like you say we are, then you don't have to know anything about who I sleep with." He said angry at her behavior.

He didn't understood how she had the nerve to talk to him like that and say all that when it was her who decided to just be friends.

"Yeah... well, maybe we can't do this. Maybe we just can't make this work."

"Maybe." He said upset but then wondered what she meant by that.

"I'm gonna go and call Dr. Fields saying that this won't work." Caroline said and then took his emergency key from her pocket. "Here's your key."

When she took the key out, Niklaus realized that this fight could be the last moment he would have with Caroline. He couldn't let that happen. Maybe if this therapy would be over they could go back to their lives and not speak or see each other ever again and it could help him to forget about her and stop feeling so insecure and hurt because he wouldn't have to deal with more rejections nor being close to her and stop himself from kissing her and pleading her. It could make his life going back to normal and stop having this feelings that made him feel weak but he didn't want those feelings to stop because that meant he wouldn't be with Caroline and she was the one who has been there for him whenever he needed.


"Klaus don't make this harder than it needs to be." She said. It was hard for her to make a decision like this and knowing this could be the last time they were together but she couldn't deal with this situation anymore. She was barely keeping herself together but she knew this would happen sooner or later. She couldn't even deal with the fact of Klaus being with someone else.

"You told me once that you intended to be here for me. Was that a lie?" He asked hurt. He kept telling himself this wasn't happening.

"It wasn't a lie but I just can't keep doing this. It's too hard."

"And don't you think it's hard for me? Do you have any idea how awful it is to have you in my arms but not be able to kiss you? How hard it is to be close to you and stopping myself from doing what I want to do and have been wanting to do for almost a month but not acting on it? It's so freaking hard, Caroline. But do you know what's even worse? It's losing you. I stop myself from doing all those things because even if it's hard, it's not as hard as picturing what would be losing you. I need you in my life. I can't lose you, that would destroy me. I never thought I would ever encounter someone as amazing as you but I did and I can't handle losing you. I thought it would be impossible for a woman to be so beautiful and smart and caring and determined as you but then I met you and... I can't lose you. My favorite part of the day is when I get to talk to you and be with you. Please don't do this. I can't lose you." Klaus pleaded. He never felt so afraid of losing someone and he didn't want to picture what would be losing her.

"Klaus..." she said with her eyes watery and doing her best to not cry and keep herself together. She was about to say something but the words wouldn't come out, she was just thinking about how torturing it's been since she found out about Jane but she also knew that she didn't want to lose Klaus. She found herself crying and Klaus hugged her without thinking, like if it was a reflex. He didn't stand seeing her like this.

"I don't want to lose you, Klaus." She cried in his shoulder.

"You don't have to." He whispered, then broke the hug to look at her in the eyes. "If you want, I stop having sex with Jane."

"No. I can't ask that. I have no right. You were right. I have no right to ask who you sleep with. I mean, when we first talk I said that we couldn't be intrusive or jealous and... I'm sorry." She said.

"Please tell me we're still cuddle buddies." Klaus pleaded. He needed to know he didn't lost her.

"We're still cuddle buddies." She said with a small smile and then they hugged.

"Promise me you won't leave me."

"I promise. Will you ever leave me?"

"Never. I'll always be here for you. Even if it's just as a friend."

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