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Niklaus's POV

After a couple of hours of comforting Caroline and making sure she was alright, considering what happened, she left and I stayed in my apartment making some paintings and trying to find a way to get someone to notice it and let me make a good career out of it because being an artist is what I always truly wanted and now I don't have nothing to lose and don't need to listen to my father calling me naive and foolish little boy who has no use in this world.

While I was trying to find someone or a job that I could have and would make me know people that look for artists that aren't still known and use that as my chance to do turn my passion into a career, I noticed there was an add about an exposition that was going to happen near Darren's and that was so people could see or show their work and some could buy their pieces and part of the money would go to the author because this exposition was for a charity event. The event would be tomorrow and I wasn't sure if I still could take my painting to that exposition or if I could not say my real name so I called the number that was there.

"Hello?" Says from the other line.

"Hello! I just saw the add about the charity event that will realize tomorrow. I would like to know if it's possible for me to expose some of my work."

"Because it's without much notice, you will only be able to bring one painting."

"Alright. About the name. I usually write a fake name for... private reasons. Is that alright?"

"Of course. After the event, everyone who sells their paintings will get a text so I will get the information to be able to transfer the money to their account."

"Great." I said and after a few more questions to get more information, I ended the call and couldn't stop smiling.

This could be the start of me being a true artist. I sell a few paintings online but it's not the same. The only thing that I'm afraid of is going and hearing people complaining and saying awful things about my work... I love painting and it's such an important part of me that can make me very vulnerable, too much vulnerable.

I was about to go and make a surprise visit to Caroline but when I opened the door so I could leave, I saw Rebekah.

"Hello, dear sister!"

"Hello! Someone's in a good mood... What happened?" She asked, while getting in my apartment without my permission but it was fine and I was in such a good mood that I didn't felt like complaining.

"Tomorrow I'm going to an exposition. It's an event for charity but it's a great way to see art." I said.

I didn't want to tell her that I would expose my painting because I still didn't know which one I should choose or if anyone would like it so I didn't had to see her pitying me.

"Art will always get you in a good mood, isn't it?" She asked already knowing the answer and I just smirked. "Can I invite Stefan and his friend?"

If I didn't knew any better I would think she was dating Caroline's best friend by theres many people with the same name so it's more likely for her to be dating Stefan who doesn't even know about Caroline than her best friend Stefan.

"What? Please tell me you won't make of this a way for you to caught your little friend betraying you with his so called best friend."

"Stefan isn't like that. Stefan asked me to try to get to know his friend because she's his only friend here and I haven't been able to talk with her because she's always working."

"Fine. Just don't make a scene like it happened when Ma..."

"Let's not talk about that, okay?"



It was night, Caroline was having dinner with her best friend and his girlfriend and I decided to go to Darren's to celebrate the fact that my life seems to turning around for the better.

"Hello, stranger!"

"Here's a blast from the past. Hello, Jane!" I said and she hugged me because she was always very perky like that.

"Bourbon please" She said with a smile to the bartender.

After a few drinks, I heard a familiar laugh, making me turn around and see Caroline with a guy and another girl was behind them but because of the small space at the entrance, I couldn't see her but I didn't care about her, only about Caroline.

I texted Caroline to go to the bathroom that's shared and when she got in, I smirked to her.

"Hello, Love!"

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same. I was here first. Wait. Are you following me? Love, you know that I'm glad to have your company, you don't need to follow me to be around me." I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"I came with my friend and his girlfriend. You?"

"I had to get out and enjoy while I was on a good mood." I said with a smirk because I wasn't sure if I should invite her to the exposition.

Tomorrow will be the day Dr. Fields calls us to know how we feel about the cuddle therapy and it's up to her to be more than that and while she gives him her opinion and decides what she wants us to be, I'll be busy with the exposition.

"About tomorrow..." She was about to say but I put my finger on her soft lips to stop her saying much more.

"You'll decide what you want us to be and I will want only to hear that after you talk with Dr. Fields."

"Klaus... no matter what happen tomorrow or whatever comes after that... you'll still be there for me, right?"

"Of course, Love." I said and she hugged me tightly.

"I really care about you..." She whispered.

"What would you say about sneaking out?" I asked and she smiled.

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