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No One's POV

After the introductions and a little small talk, Caroline started to watch the paintings and there was one that caught her eye, at first it seemed like a giant snowflake but then she noticed the feeling behind it.

"Do you like it?" Klaus asked when noticed her looking at his painting.


"Thank you."

"It's yours?" She asked perplexed with his talent.

"Guilty." He said with a smirk.

"Well... nice snowflake." She teased him and Klaus smirked but a part of him was frustrated because it wasn't the first time that someone looked at his paintings and thought it was just something and had no meaning behind it.

"Is my work really that literal?"

"No. There's something lonely about it..." she said and Niklaus looked at Caroline in disbelief for a second because it was the first time someone in that exposition looked his painting and saw what he truly felt when he was painting it.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He said and Caroline just gave him a small smile.

"Would you like a glass of champagne?" He asked and she smiled, making him go to the waiter and bring two cups of champagne.

They started to look at different paintings making Niklaus forget about what the people could be thinking about his painting like he have been wondering since he took the piece to the exposition and just enjoyed Caroline's company.

"Klaus... you're not alone. I hope you know that." Caroline whispered after awhile and hold his hand, squeezing it slightly to show him that he wasn't alone.

He took advantage of her holding his hand to interlock their fingers and take her to the small room that was just for employees.

"What are we doing here? We can't be in here." Caroline said because she was never someone who broke laws, even if it was as small as pressing a button.

"I needed to be alone with you."

"W-Why?" She asked, feeling her heart beating faster.

"I need to hear you say that I didn't lost you, that you're still in my life and that I'm in yours." He whispered, almost afraid to break his voice.

"You didn't lost me. I'm still here for you. I still want you to be in my life and I still want to be in your life." She whispered and he rested his forehead on hers with a smirk and closing his eyes, enjoying being so close to Caroline.

Caroline let her hands got to his neck and then moved to his hair, grabbing some of his curls and pulling him closer to her.

"I hated you letting me wake up alone..." she admitted in a whisper, making Klaus smirk even more.

"I hated too..." He whispered and when felt his urge of kissing Caroline starting to be stronger than him, he took his forehead from hers and gave a peck on her forehead.

"In case you are wondering... I already talked with Dr. Fields." Caroline said, making Klaus now look at her with a serious face.

This was it. She had given Dr. Fields and answer, which meant she had made her choice.

"I told him that I couldn't keep this therapy because I liked my cuddle buddy more than I should." She said with a smile, making Klaus have one of the biggest smiles he ever had if not the biggest.

"Does that mean that you do admit that there's something between us?"

"More that I'm curious to know what's a real date with Klaus Mikaelson." She said, making him chuckle.

"Caroline Forbes, will you accept to go on a date with me?"

"Of course." She said, giggling, making him smirk.

"I will do everything to make you happy." He said, making her smile and then he gave her a peck on her forehead.


The exposition ended and Klaus couldn't be happier, not only because he was able to sell for a good amount, even if most of it would go to charity, his painting but also and especially because Caroline agreed on going on a date with him.

From now on, he no longer had to be only Caroline's cuddle buddy but he also was in his way to became Caroline's boyfriend and he would do anything to accomplish that title and to make her the happiest woman who ever lived.

The End

Hey guys! I'm not sure if I'll make a second book or if I'll let this book just like that with an open ending but I hope you liked. Thank you for reading. Love you guys!

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