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Niklaus's POV

After the dinner we went to the couch and we talk a little about our childhood but we still just said the good stuff.

"Klaus, can I be serious for a moment?"

"Of course, love."

"Dr. Fields told us that we should be cuddle buddies but that didn't meant just cuddling but also telling each other stuff about us and all that. The thing is... I feel like I have been avoiding a little bit of that because I'm not really used to open up to people and I don't want you or anyone to look at me differently after knowing one of the reasons that made me go to a phycologist. I know we need to talk sooner or later but..."

"Love, you don't need to tell me if you're not ready."

"This all thing is about having someone who we can actually talk about our issues and we are not doing that." She said and I didn't know what I should say, I just knew that I wanted to postpone for as long as I could the conversation about me and my issues. "So, I went to a phycologist because when my mom passed away I didn't handle it very well... My mom was a mother and a father to me, she did all the work, all because my father abandoned us when I was 5. After a month of my mom's death, I got a boyfriend... I think I got together with him because I was feeling lonely and was trying to make me forget how sad I was with my mom being gone... He was nice at first but then..."

"Did he hurt you?" I asked concerned.

I know I knew her for a few days but I already cared deeply about her. I don't know why, I just know that I do.

"Yes..." she whispered looking down, I put my hand in her chin, making her look at me and see she was now in a really vulnerable state and her eyes were filled with sadness, making me hug her without thinking twice.

"You're okay now." I whispered. "I won't let anyone hurt you..."

"Thank you... It's nice to finally talk to someone about this."

"Wait. You didn't told to your friends or anyone?"

"No. I didn't want them to look at me in a different way. I didn't want anyone's pity." She said and I nodded because I feel the same way.

Not long after our conversation, we started to watch tv and Caroline had now her head resting on my shoulder with her arm around me and I had my arm around her waist.

I was watching tv and without realizing, I put my free arm around her too, making her get closer to me, then I kissed her forehead and try to focus on what we were watching, but once I started to pay attention to the tv, I felt her kissing my cheek, which made me look at her surprised and she just gave me a smile and rest her head again on my shoulder and got back to watch tv.

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