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Caroline's POV

I was with some shorts and a top watching something that was on TV when I receive a text from Klaus, asking to meet me in my place, which I said yes.

I wanted him here with me but I didn't text him because I didn't want to seem clingy, I didn't want to be the person who always ask to cuddle... I mean I asked him to lunch today so if I would ask him to meet me tonight again, he would probably feel that I was smothering him.

Someone knock on the door and when I open it, I saw Klaus, but wasn't the same Klaus I hang out a few hours ago at lunch, this Klaus was sad and bruised, he had a cut in his lip and his nose seem to been bleeding a few minutes ago but had stopped a few moments ago.

"Came in!" I quickly said after getting over my shock, then I closed the door and asked. "What the hell happened to you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, love."

"I'm sorry but you are clearly not fine. I have a first aid kit but maybe we should go to the hospital." I said worried.

"No need for hospitals. I already took care of this at home."

"But... what happened?" I asked.

"I prefer not to talk about it. I know that we should talk with each other about our problems but... if you don't mind, I will tell you later." He said making me quickly regret of asking it because I didn't want to seem that I was getting on what wasn't my business. I mean, we barely know each other, it's perfect normal that he doesn't want to talk with me about more personal stuff.

"Of course. I understand. I was just worried. I mean, you were fine at lunch and now..."

"I know... but don't worry."

Niklaus's POV

Thankfully she was being understanding in not telling her what happened and she wasn't giving me pity eyes, she was just showing concern about me, which to be honest I was enjoying... I'm not used to see people aside from my siblings to worry about me.

"So... what were you watching?" I asked pointing to the TV, just to change the subject.

"The Big Bang Theory. But if you want to watch something else or do something else it's okay, I already watched this episode anyways."

"So, you wouldn't mind if I wanted to go to bed and just cuddle?" I asked insecure because I was inviting myself to her bed and I didn't want to seem like if I was just trying to make a move on her or something. "Or we could stay here and cuddle..."

"No. Let's go to my bed, where it's more comfortable..." She said and grabbed my hand, taking me to her room.

We lay down in her bed and before I could wrap my arm around her, she rested her head in my chest and wrapped herself in me, which felt good... then I wrap my arms around her, it was like if I was hugging her tightly.

"It's okay... I'm here..." she whispered and then I felt her hand moving up to my cheek, where she brushed a little my bear with her thumb.

"Thank you for this, love." I whispered and kissed the top of her head.


I woke up with Caroline on top of me and while I tried to find a way to get out without waking her up, she woke up.

"Good morning, Klaus" she said with an adorable sleepy voice.

"Good morning, love." I said with a smirk. "You can go back to sleep, love. I was about to leave and I don't want to bother you."

"What are you talking about? You don't bother me." She said while seating in her bed and looking at me. "I have to go to work anyways. If you want, we could have breakfast."

"Love, it's okay. I don't want to impose."

"You don't impose, besides it's nice to have breakfast with someone for a change." She said.

"Alright. I guess I can stay for breakfast."

"Okay. I'm just going to take a shower." She said and left to her bathroom, making me go to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

When I was already putting the pancakes in the plates, Caroline appeared with a red top, a black jacket and dark jeans.

"Hey! You didn't had to make the breakfast. I invited you, I was the one supposed to make you breakfast."

"Well, this is a way of thank you for being there for me last night. I don't know many people who would be there for me like you did, love... and we barely know each other."

"Okay. But you didn't need to. I was there because I wanted to." She said.

"Either way, I hope you like pancakes."

"Who doesn't like pancakes?" She asked with a smile and then we seat on the balcony andstarted to eat.

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