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Caroline's POV

Klaus and I were on the couch cuddling when his phone buzzed, making him look at the screen but not answering the text someone send him.

"Aren't you gonna reply?" I asked.

"It's not important."

"Whoever was might get worried about you if you don't reply." I said because I usually worry when Klaus takes longer than usual to reply my texts, but that also happens with my friends.

"Don't worry about it, love." He said and then there was the noise of another text, making me look at the screen of his phone and read part of the text that was enough for me to realize it was one of his friends wanting to have sex with him.

"I better leave. Clearly someone needs you." I said, getting out of the couch.

Of course he wasn't gonna stop to sleep around. He is and always will be a player. Yes, he is more than that but he will always be a player. I can't believe I let myself believe he was no longer like that. I'm so naive.

"Don't." He said getting up, getting in front of me to stop me from leaving. "Don't go. Stay."

"I saw the screen. You have a friend to satisfy, so I'm gonna go do you can have fun."

"Just because she texted me doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with her. She's been trying to have something with me for some time but I don't want anything with her. And I thought I told you that I no longer sleep around. I'm not that guy anymore. I don't want to sleep with random girls anymore." He said and even if he seemed honest my insecure side didn't let me believe him.

"People can't change just like that."

"I haven't change over night. I have been changing since I met you. You made me look at things in a different perspective, you made me see that what I used to call a nice life was just my way to forget about my problems and real life." He said. "Please stay with me."

"Wouldn't you prefer to go to her and have sex?" I asked.

"I will always pick spending time with you than have sex with random girls that I don't really care about. You are important to me. Not her."

How can I stay upset with him when he says these kind of things? He is just so sweet and caring... Seeing him like this and hearing him say these things makes me almost forget that he used to have sex with no strings attached.

"You are the one I like to spend time with... You are the one I care about..." he said and I hugged him.

"I care about you so much..." I admitted and rest my forehead in his with my arms wrapped around his neck.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." He said with his hands on my lower back, pulling me closer to him. "Promise me you won't get out of my life."

"I promise. I won't let you get rid of me that easily." I said with a smile, making him smirk.

He took a step forward so I took a step back and before I knew it, I was against the wall and he was very close to me, making me feel his breath on my face. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let the fingers feel some of his curls before grabbed it slightly.

"Caroline..." he groaned in pleasure, making me be even more horny than I already was.

I just wanted to have my way with him, instead of being professional and rational.

"You have no idea how much I desire to please you, Caroline Forbes. You can't imagine how much I want to be with you. But I will fight all that because I don't want us to be together like this. You deserve better than this."


"Like a real date in a really good place, then going home thinking about the date and making you wish for more." He said while I lean in and let our noses be side by side, making our lips be inches from each other.

"That sounds amazing. Do you really think you'll be able to do all that if I give you the chance?"

"I know so." He said. "If you gave me the chance of being with you I would make sure you wouldn't regret it."

"I might think about that, then..." I whispered and got my feet back in the ground, then went to his bedroom where I put his t-shirt on making me be only in underwear and his t-shirt.

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