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Caroline's POV

I got a text from Stefan saying that he was going to have lunch and probably spend the afternoon with Rebekah so I texted Klaus asking if he wanted to have lunch at my place, which he accepted.

I made something quick because there was not much time for my lunch break and I want to catch up things with Klaus. I mean, he just moved out from his family's place. I thought in introducing him to Stefan so they could be roommates and could be easier to find a place for them but I don't know if he wants a roommate or wants a place where he can actually be alone.

Klaus got here just in time, he helped me with the plates and served the food, we ate and now we were on the couch talking with the tv on but was more as a background noise.

"How have you been adjusting to the move out?"

"I'm still trying to find a place. I like my studio and it's a good place to spend a few days but it's more like the place I go when I'm inspired and do my paintings, it's not really a home."

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"Not yet. But I know that when I see it, I'll know it." He said. "How are things now that you have someone living here with your?"

"Well, Stef is great but this morning was kinda awkward because I got here and there was a girl I didn't know. Apparently, they have history and even if I want him to be happy, it was weird... And then I started to wonder where it was safe to be. Thank God they didn't do it on the bathroom because I had to take a shower and if they had done it in there then I would just feel dirty." I said and he laughed.

"It's not funny." I said and he tried his best to stop laughing but was with a big smile trying not to break into laughter.

"I guess, now that I think about it, that was kind of funny. I overthink too much." I said and we both laughed.

"You seemed worried. Is everything okay?" I asked after awhile.

"It's nothing." He said and I gave him a look. "Alright. It's my sister. She spend last night with some guy that she dated and I'm not sure what to think about it."

"How about you just be happy for her?"

"It's not easy with her. I can't ever be happy with her because she always dates guys who are morons and aren't enough for her."

"Aww... Are you being the protective older brother? That's adorable."

"I'm not being anything. I'm just concerned about her well being. And side note, it's not adorable." He said.

It's even more adorable when he denies it.

"I'm sure your sister knows how to take care of herself. Besides it's with the mistakes we make that we learn." I said and he smirked to me.

"You are truly amazing, love." He said, making me smile and slightly blush, making me look down so he wouldn't noticed.

My phone buzzed, it was my boss calling me, of course I picked up the call, and I went to the kitchen to have more privacy. Apparently there was a problem with some pipes, so they closed for the rest of the day while people worked on that problem, meaning that I could have an afternoon off.

I went back to the living room and seat on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" Klaus asked, showing a little concern.

"Yes. There was a problem in the place I work so I have the afternoon off." I told him.

"That's great!" He said making me look at him confused with how great he thought this was. "Because you deserve an afternoon off. I mean, life isn't just work."

"Are you saying that I don't have a life?" I asked now a little upset. I know how work kinda took over of my life but I don't think he should insinuate that I don't have a life outside of work.

"Of course not. I'm just saying that I know how focus you are in work and how you always do your very best for it and you deserve to be rewarded for it." He said, making me feel stupid for taking conclusions way too soon.

"Seriously? Thank you." I said with a smile because it felt good to be appreciated and knowing that someone actually sees that I try to do my very best. Although, I wished my boss also saw that and gave me a promotion but I need to have patience. I always knew things wouldn't be just given to me.

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