A Continued History of Intergalactic Clowns

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(Student): *Clears throat* Hello, I'm here to talk about Intergalactic Clowns, again... well you see the strangest thing happened to me last week...

*Begin Flashback*

It was a Tuesday... The sort of day that comes after a Monday but before a Wednesday.

I had been sitting in my magnificant mansion... ok in my office... FINE! I WAS IN MY ROOM!

God, you guys need to get some imagination. Seriously...

Anyway, I was in my room when all of the sudden there was a bright flash of light and...

*Stop flashback*

*Sigh* What is it Jimmy?

(Jimmy): Is this a real story?

(Student): Yes Jimmy, yes it is...

As I was saying...

(Jimmy): I have another question!

(Student): *Sigh* What is it Jimmy?... What do you want Jimmy?... Drop dead Jimmy... Now, as I have been trying to say...

(Jimmy): But you haven't answered my question yet!

(Student): Jimmy, I swear if you don't shut up I am duck-taping you to the wall!

(Jimmy): ...

(Student): *Ahem* As I was saying...

(Continue Flashback) 

There was a bright flash of light and all of the sudden I was inside a UFO!!!!!

(Jimmy): Was it a real...

*flashback freezes*

(Student): JIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

*Sounds of  Duck Tape and Yelling*

(Student): ......So as I was saying... *flashback unfreezes* 

So I was inside the space ship and I saw an Intergalactic Clown!

It was so ugy that if I hadn't trained my whole life for that moment I would have DIED!

Then the aliens sent me back to my room with this rock.

*End flashback, Student holds up a rock*

And that is what happened to me over the weekend.

So Mrs. Teacher Lady, how was my report?

(Senora Teacher Lady): This is spanish class...... Did you tape Jimmy to the wall?

(Student): No... *Slowly backs out of the room* Why would you think that?

(*Another Video... Yeah, if you don't find the begining funny than just wait for/skipforward to the end.*)

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