Ted the Tree

406 13 24

There once was a tree named Ted.

No, not that Ted. It's a different Ted. Ted IS a rather common name you know.

Anyway, this tree named Ted was walking though the ocean...

Yes, I know he's a tree and trust me they can definitely walk. And of course they can walk through the ocean, I mean they're trees.

So as I was saying, he was walking through the ocean just chillin' with the pie-fish when all of the sudden a shark came along!!!

But it was a friendly shark who laughed and sang along with Ted as he walked.

That is until a Narwhal came along!!!!

But don't worry, it was a friendly Narwhal who tap danced with Ted as he sang, laughed, danced and walked through the ocean.

Well, until a dolohin came along!!!!!

But don't worry it was only a murderous dolphin. (After all everyone knows that Dolphins are almost as evil as bunnies)

Then the sun exploded and they all died.


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