01 | Something Needs to Happen

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"Kiss me."

"I'd rather not," I lied as I looked away from his piercing gaze. I really tried to, believe me, but it was so mesmerizing that it was nearly impossible. I was like a moth to a flame—if the flame was someone I'd never have and could never have.

"I know you want me to," he whispered into my ear, sending a chill down my spine.

Why did he always have to have that effect on me?

He cupped my cheeks and leaned in closer than we were beforeeven though it was practically impossible. "I love you."

"I-I love you, too"


I abruptly snapped out of my daydream, my head being pulled out of the clouds by the all-too-familiar voice that had whisper-yelled my name.

Feeling my cheeks turn crimson red, I cussed myself out for letting my imagination run wild again—while I'm in class, no less. 

I faced the brunette with panicked eyes. "W-what...?" I whispered back, my mind still hazy from my steamy daydream.

"Ay, please, M," scoffed Addie. "I'm so used to you daydreaming during class that I've made a list of possible topics you could be fantasizing about."

"Must be a short list," I joked, scoffing, as I gave Addie a little knowing smirk.

Addie rolled her eyes before she whispered, "Don't tell me you were daydreaming about Archer again."

"I can't help it, A," I shrugged, cupping my flushed cheeks. "This time, he was the one who said the L word first!"

"Stop it already," Addie laughed. "This is calculus, M—calculus in the real world, furthermore. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to pay attention."

With a sigh of relief, I gradually nodded, accepting her pretty strong argument that I actually do have to listen in class if I want to graduate this year. "Alright..."


"Archer!" Addie called out halfway across the hallway.

"A, birds would fall out of the sky with that voice of yours," I criticized lowly, my grip on the books in my arms tightening.

Suddenly, Archer, the tousle-haired senior, turned away from the conversation he was having with his group of friends and glanced in me and Addie's direction.

My heart fluttered when our eyes met, my brown eyes to his gray ones. I quickly covered my face with the book in my hands to avoid him seeing my awkward expression.

"Aish," groaned Addie before gripping my arm. She dragged us towards Archer and his usual two companions then smiled innocently.

"Arch, I'm going home with dad tonight, so that means you're getting mom," she grinned.

Shit. I'm breathing the same air as Archer Hastings. I drew in a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down, my heart to stop beating so fast.

"Fine," he responded in a tired, hoarse voice. "Rub it in my face all you want. After all, I am getting dad this whole weekend."

...and he's speaking in my vicinity! Just like that, all hope of calming my heart went out the window.

"Shush, you," she retorted, sticking her tongue out defiantly.

"Well, if it isn't the Hastings twins," Trevor greeted, his voice laced with playfulness. He wiggled his thick eyebrows before adding with a smirk, "You're looking mighty fine today, Addie twinnie."

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