12 | I'm Happy for You

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"Where are you taking me, Arch?" I giggled as the love of my life continued to lead me to some mysterious place—he had insisted on keeping it a secret. His hand fit perfectly in mine, like puzzle pieces fitting into place, and whenever he'd look back at me to check if I was still okay, my heart would melt in awe. "Come on, we've been walking for, like, forever!" I whined playfully. 

"Patience, love," he teased with a wink. 

After a few more minutes, he abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing me to bump into him, my face colliding with his back. 

I groaned softly, and he chuckled. "Here we are," he grinned.

Slowly, I went to step in front of him, only to be baffled upon seeing where he had brought me.

"Why are we at school?" I questioned, turning to face him with a puzzled expression on my face. He was smiling this wicked little grin that only confused me further. "What's going on, Archer?"

The boy remained silent, but he gestured for me to look in front of me instead of at him, and so I did just that... only to regret it immediately afterwards... because before me stood all the people I've hurt before and have hurt me in return.

"Hey, Morgan," Hanna greeted with a sickly sweet smile. She was standing in between Trevor and Addie. It was enough to make me want to run away, wish for a hole to suddenly open up and swallow me whole. "You think you could just mess with us and get away with it?"

"H-Hanna... I tried to call you," I stuttered nervously as I took a step closer to my former best friend because frankly, old habits die hard, "a million times... but you never picked up. I'm so, so sorry, I—"

"Save it, M," Addie interrupted indignantly, causing me to flinch away from her. "Hanna will never forgive you."

I held back my anger against Addie and restrained myself from beating the crap out of her right there and then. "This... This was all your fault, Addison," I told her, voice wavering.

"Psh, keep telling yourself that," she scoffed. 

"Archie, honey," purred Hanna as Archer walked over to their side, leaving me to fend for myself.

"A-Archer?" I stammered, suddenly feeling tears cloud my vision. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the worst—

"Sorry, but did you really think I'd go out with a loser like you?" He shook his head as he laughed, every word he uttered like a knife to my heart. "Get off that high horse, Morgan. If you couldn't get Trev, did you really think you could get me?"

Trevor snorted. "You fell for the wrong guy. I don't date backstabbing nobodies."

All their words stung me beyond description. I took a step back, afraid to endure any more. "I... I'm sorry," I cried out, trying my best to hold back tears. I choked back a sob as they all laughed maniacally. 

Archer smirked, looking very pleased with himself. "You're all alone, Darhk."

I woke up with a sudden jolt, tears building up behind my eyes.

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