06 | The Brew

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Seeing as Hanna and Addie had already left, I quickly tied my hair up into a messy bun. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Oh, how I liked my work clothes—a simple white dress shirt and slacks.

I like to envision myself as one of those sleek working girls on TV with their unspoken uniforms and stuff. Mr. O'Neill, my boss, couldn't care less about uniforms, so I wear what I want as long as I wear my apron over my outfit when I get to the stomping grounds.

I rushed down the stairs. "I'm heading out," I informed mom as I slung my backpack across my shoulder. "I have work today."

"Have fun, sweetie!" she called out before I shut the door behind me.

As I briskly strolled down the streets of our peaceful neighborhood, I put on my earphones and played the first song on my playlist: 'Somebody To You' by The Vamps. As if reflex, I began to bop my head to the rhythmic beat.

Gah, if my life was a TV show, 'Somebody To You' would be the theme song.

I stopped in my tracks when I reached my workplace—a small coffee shop both high school and college students frequent. It's the kind of cozy place where you can study peacefully, whether alone or in a group, and at the same time, have a first date or celebrate a birthday.

Pushing open the glass door, I entered the establishment and greeted my boss who was behind the counter, probably awaiting my arrival.

"Good afternoon, Mr. O'Neill," I greeted with a smile as I slightly bowed my head.

"Ah, there you are, Morgan," he grinned, taking off his black apron. "Perfect timing. Your shift was about to start."

I nodded in agreement before taking off my earphones and shoving them into my pant pocket. Quickly, I shuffled behind the counter and put my apron on, commencing the start of my afternoon shift.

Mr. O'Neill grabbed his keys off the counter and winked at me. "I gotta get going. Got a hot date tonight." I wished him luck, laughing a bit because I'm glad he finally found the courage to ask out the girl he's been flirting with for months (which, frankly, is more than I can say for myself), and then he left.

I had just finished wiping off the counter with a gray rag and preparing the coffee pots when the the door flew open, and the bell sounded.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it was Archer and his friends who had just entered. They were all laughing, having wide smiles plastered across their faces, enjoying each other's presence like friends should.

I shouldn't really be surprised at their arrival, though. Like most Amity High students, The Brew is their usual hangout spot—which may or may not have influenced me when I was looking for a part-time job.

Feeling my cheeks heat up at the mere fact that Archer is in my vicinity, I spun around so that my back was facing the boys.


I flinched at the voice that had called out my name.

Slowly—and hesitantly—turning around, I faced Trevor who wore a playful smile on his sculpted face. It seemed that he was going to order for the group as Chase and Archer snagged their usual table.

"We have got to stop meeting like this," he grinned as he rested his forearm on the counter.

"Shut up, Trevor," I scoffed, stifling an annoying, schoolgirl giggle because damn, that was low-key funny. "You know damn well I work here."

"Trev! What's taking so long?" Archer asked from across the restaurant, ignoring the irate looks he got from the other customers.

"One sec!" Trevor screamed back, mirroring Archer's indifference. He fixed his leather jacket before pushing his chocolate brown hair back. "So," he began, "we said we'd meet for coffee, right? Well, here we are."

"I'm here for my job, not for you," I laughed out. "Now, what do you want?"

"Would it be cheesy if I said you?" he asked, a teasing grin tugging at one corner of his thin lips.

"Extremely, Casanova," I replied, ignoring the subtle way my heart fluttered at his comment.

"Three lattes—one of which is decaf—to go."

"To go?" I echoed as I turned around to get the coffee pot. "You're not going to dine in?"

"What else do you think 'to go' means?" he scoffed, laughing at my expense.

I rolled my eyes. "Here," I said, placing down the three cups of coffee. "You may leave now."

"You know you'll miss me, babe," he mused playfully. He winked before walking off to the table Archer and Chase was waiting at.

"Let's go," I heard Chase say.

"Hold on, I need to use the bathroom," Archer said, getting up. "Don't wait up."

Holy fuck, I mentally cussed. In order to get to the bathroom, you'd need to pass the counter area, meaning he'll pass me by! What do I do?!

Okay, for starters, calm down.

Still lost in my panic-stricken thoughts, I barely had time to decide what to do when he walked by, and our eyes met for a brief, fleeting moment.

Involuntarily, the corners of my lips twitched up into a small smile, and apparently, I decided to lift up my hand halfway into an awkward mini-wave. In response, he turned his gaze skyward, quickly dashing into the bathroom, away from me and my flustered state.

Huh? What the fuck did I do wrong?

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