17 | Lost Memories and Broken Promises

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A/N [09.23.20]: Hi! Sorry I didn't get to update last night. I got too enthralled with this thing I tried to draw... It turned out great, in case you were wondering! Anyway, I just want to say thank you again for showing this book so much love, especially @KierraHill21 <33   



"Daddy, I'm home," I greeted with a happy grin as I slowly shut the front door close.

"Addison." My mom emerged from the kitchen, hugging her cardie close to her body.

"Mom," I said flatly, my happy mood immediately dropping at the sight of the woman. Internally groaning, I rolled my eyes. "Where's dad?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. After a good second, she shook her head. "Your, uh... Your brother's upstairs," she said instead. 

I snorted. "Whatever, mom."

Instead of having to make more awkward small talk with my mom, I opted to make a discreet escape. Okay, maybe not that discreet because my mom kept her doe eyes glued on me as I made a beeline for my room upstairs. As I stormed up the staircase, I stopped mid-step when my phone beeped in my pocket.

Eric Carter accepted your friend request.

I clutched my heart histrionically, a wide smile forming on my lips. Racing up the stairs, elated, I dashed into my room and jumped on my bed.

"Eric," I squealed, burying my face into my pillow, "you're killing me!"

I'd guide Morgan a lot when it comes to her unhealthy crush on my brother, and so, I give her a shit ton of advice. Now's the time I walk the talk, work up the courage to open the messaging app on my phone and reach out. 

I propped myself up on my elbows, and fingers shaking, I drafted a short message:

Addison Hastings

"Period or no period?" I questioned myself. "Does the period make it sound too serious?"

I groaned into my pillow. "He needs to know I'm not a serious girl... that I'm fun and playful and— Wait... what if he wants a serious girl?"

I begun to dial Morgan's number but halted when I got to the sixth digit. The sudden realization that Morgan didn't really support this thing I have for Eric... for whatever reason... made me realize that I was all alone in this.

It's times like this that I'd wish I was still friends with Hanna.

Hanna, despite her faults, never judges because she knows she's just as flawed as I am. She'd help out no matter the circumstance. Morgan, on the other hand... Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but she's pretty judgmental. 

With a final sigh, I sent the message without giving it any further thought. I figured overthinking this wouldn't do anyone good—I'd probably end up not messaging him altogether, and that certainly wouldn't help with my pent-up emotions about the boy. I have to take initiative here.

It was probably a second later when my phone lit up with a new message.

Eric Carter
What's up?

"This is my chance," I whispered to myself as I typed out a reply. I took in a breath—momentarily doubting my confidence—then hit send, not giving myself another opportunity to overthink things.

Addison Hastings
Besides my hopes of becoming your friend? Nothing much xx

Eric Carter
Haha, I like that.

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