36 | I Want to Be Noticed

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"Mr. O'Neill, Laura's covering my shift today," I reminded my manager as the three of us walked into the quaint café I worked at.

He, in turn, flashed me a warm smile and nodded. "Yes, Laura told me," he said. "You'll be working tomorrow, though."

"Yeah, I know. I won't ditch this time—I promise," I snickered playfully, earning a throaty chuckle and a roll of the eyes from Mr. O'Neill.

Addie, Eric, and I sat down at a table near the glass front. The café's warm lighting was a stark contrast against the navy blue sky outside. The sun's been setting earlier these days, painting the sky with dark tones as early as five in the afternoon. It only meant one thing.

It was cold outside, yet another sign that winter's beginning to dawn upon us. The crisp breeze came into the warm shop every time the door would open and new customers would step in. 

I shivered but smiled.

"What's up with you?" laughed Eric, momentarily glancing up from the menu in his hands.

"Nothing. Just didn't realize that wintertime is drawing near."

Addie shook her head and sighed. "Our Morgan here's a snow junkie," she explained as if she anticipated a follow-up question.

Eric's face lit up. "I love snow, too!" he beamed happily, his eyes crinkling up as he smiled. He set the laminated menu down on the table and added, "It's absolutely beautiful, like a fairytale come to life!"

"Ugh, you both are stupid," laughed Addie, rolling her eyes for effect. "Snow is so pointless. I mean, it's so hard to dress cutely under all those layers of jacket!" As if to emphasize her point, she pulled her parka over her chest.

"You've been droning on about that for the whole duration of our friendship," I said, rolling my eyes as well as I attempted to stifle a laugh.

At that moment, the waitress arrived at our table, and I waved upon recognizing her face.

"Hey, Laura," I grinned. "Thanks again for covering for me."

"You owe me," she replied with a sly smile. "Anyhow, what will you lot be having?"

"Just a latte for me," said Eric sweetly.

"Pasta please," exclaimed Addie. "Carbonara, to be exact. Make it creamy!"

"You're embarrassing, A," I muttered, a wan smile on my face as I pretended not to know her.

Addie feigned offense and hit my arm dramatically. She turned to Laura and said, "Don't bother with her order."

The expression on Laura's face told me that while she was a tad awkward at being the 'target' of our disputes, she was low-key entertained by the banter.

"Hey!" I called out, sending a glare her way. I faced Laura and told her, "I just want fries, hon. You know what to do."

Laura nodded knowingly then disappeared into the backroom.

"Let me guess," said Eric, pretending to think, "extra fries?"

"You know it," I snickered.

Addie, who sometime during the banter had pulled out her phone, suddenly piped up. "Hey, guys," she said without looking up from the screen, "you know that thing that's been trending on Facebook? That... freedom wall page for our school?"

"Hm, I think I've seen a post or two," I responded, quickly recalling what I've seen on my feed during the past week.

Puzzled, Eric cocked his head to the right and asked, "What's that?"

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