14 | Behind Closed Doors

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When the bell rang, I couldn't help but linger in my seat to ogle Mr. Donavan as the rest of the students poured out of the classroom.

"Morgan, you're such a fine student," I could just hear Mr. Donavan say. "It's too bad I'm your teacher... because if I wasn't—"

"Morgan?" Eric's voice brought me out of my daydreaming state.

"Y-yes?" I stammered as I blinked twice to snap myself out of my daze. Shit. I was doing it again.

"You coming?" He had his backpack slung over his shoulder, and Killian was standing behind him with a devious smirk on his face.

"Let the girl be, E," sneered Killian. "She's obviously ogling Mr. D. Totally not creepy, by the way, Morg."

A furious blush spread across my cheeks, making me abruptly stand up from my seat. "Am not," I argued as I stashed away my things in my bag. Glaring at Killian, I grabbed my bag off of the chair. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class."

As I walked a few steps ahead, I turned back around and smiled sweetly at Eric, "See you around, Eric." Then, I faced Killian and said, "You? Not so much."

Obviously, though, I couldn't leave without getting one last look at Mr. Donavan, standing in front of the whiteboard, erasing the formulae he had previously scribbled on. My eyes slipped downwards... I raised my eyebrows, the corner of my lip raising into a sly smirk...

He's got a nice ass.


Having left the physics classroom so abruptly, I suddenly realized I had left my pencil case behind, so I turned on my heel and headed back. I was about to push the door open when, through the glass window of the door, I saw two students left inside the otherwise empty classroom. One had his back turned to me, and he was covering the other student, so I couldn't tell who they were.

I placed my hand on the cold metal of the doorknob, ready to interrupt whatever moment the students were having, when—

"Mmm... That feels so g-good, Killian... K-keep going..."

"Eric, baby, you know that's not my name when we're—"

My eyes widened immediately, and I knew I couldn't listen to this any longer. I had just met Eric and Killian; I couldn't be listening in on whatever shenanigans they apparently got up to behind closed doors—literally.

My virgin ears have left the group.

I ran down the hall, hoping with all my might that I wouldn't see them after they've just... I don't even know.

However, my wish remained short-lived because from behind me, I heard the door creak open. I shut my eyes tight and hoped that they wouldn't notice me or come up to talk to me. It'd be so awkward; it'd be like waking up in a stranger's bed and having to make small talk.

But of course, this was me we're talking about, so inevitably, Killian called my name and caught up with me.

"So, Mr. D, huh?" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly. "Oh, yeah, I bet you just want his D up your—"

"Eriiiic," I whined aloud, whirling around to see if the boy was near—a contrast to my wishes a few seconds ago. "Killian's being weird again."

Thankfully, Eric caught up a few seconds later, his golden hair disheveled and his dress shirt seeming more rumpled than before, its top button undone. His cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink, and still in a daze, he reacted, "W-what?"

I sighed, shaking my head at the flustered boy, before turning around to face Killian. "Are you gay, Killian?" I asked straight off the bat.

He feigned a look of offense, clutching his heart dramatically. "Why, because my name's Killian you just assume I'm—"

"No, it's because I heard you making out with Eric just now after physics class." As if it added to my case, I pointed to the hickeys scattered across Eric's exposed collarbone.

Caught off guard, Eric widened his eyes, and he was quick to button his shirt up, effectively hiding Killian's messy work.

Killian scoffed, a subtle smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Why, Morgan, I didn't know you were into—"

I quickly shook my head, holding my hand up to silence the boy and whatever dirty thing he was about to say. "Now if you don't mind me, I'm late to calculus."


"Addie!" I whispered as I cautiously slipped into my seat while the teacher's back was facing the class.

"M, you're late to calc," Addie scolded in a whisper, rolling her eyes. "What were you up to?"

"Oh, A, you wouldn't believe it! Mr. Donovan, our new physics teacher, is so friggin—"

Suddenly, the door to the classroom flew open, and Archer and Hanna came in, his hand over her shoulder as they giggled to each other nonstop.

"Sorry, teach," Archer apologized insincerely. "Hanna and I were... preoccupied."

As soon as she heard his suggestive choice of words, Hanna's cheeks burned red, and she hit Archer's chest playfully. I couldn't help but notice that Hanna looked a lot like how Eric looked just a while ago.

Watching this sickening scene of flirts and public displays of affection, I could feel tears prickling against my eyelids. That was Archer I was looking at... with his new girlfriend, my old best friend.

"Hey, M, you okay?" Addie asked softly when she noticed my crestfallen face. With furrowed eyebrows, she touched my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

When I flinched, she retracted her hand and watched as I tried my best to hold in tears and force a smile.

Voice breaking, I tried to assure Addie, but it was hard to pretend to be okay when all you want to do is crawl into a hole and shut the rest of the world out. My throat suddenly felt tight. It seems that it'd take everything I've got to utter a single word.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." To my chagrin, though, it came out all weird and squeaky like when Ross from Friends assured his friends that he was 'fine' when he clearly wasn't—and Addie noticed that, so she shot me another worried look.

The teacher eyed the pair weirdly, and he narrowed his eyes, as if to say he knew what being 'preoccupied' meant. "Take your seat, Mr. Hastings," he deadpanned before turning his gaze to Hanna. "As for you, Ms. Abrams, I expected more."

As the nauseatingly sweet couple made their way to their seats, I heard Hanna snicker in Archer's ear, "So did I, but I can't be a model student and date you at the same time."

To get to her seat, Hanna had to pass my aisle, and as she did so, she smirked knowingly in my direction, to which Addie discreetly flipped her off, and I'm thankful that the teacher hadn't noticed, otherwise this would be one tricky situation to explain.

Addie squeezed my arm reassuringly and smiled wanly. 

"Stay strong, M. Don't let my brother and Hanna get to you."

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